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NM-AIST to Tackle Water Woes in Tanzania

Home » water & sanitation » water Reservoirs » NM-AIST to Tackle Water Woes in Tanzania

The Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST) is looking to embark on a massive water supply project. This is in the wake of poor supplies from boreholes due to unfavorable weather in the country over the last couple of months.

The pan African university is seeking US$ 135,000 to drill water from a recently identified source which, according to undertaken surveys has ample water to meet its growing demand.

The institution’s Vice Chancellor Prof Karoli Njau, they are currently sourcing funds from the government and other supporters. The funds will ensure so that the institution has a water source that will cater for all their needs. This is after the realization that the campus boreholes the institution depends on is no longer enough to sustain the growing needs. Furthermore, according to the VC, the overall lack of water is not making the already dire situation any easier.

Also read: Stakeholders stresses concerted efforts to end Tanzania’s water scarcity

Inadequate funds

Under the project, water would be pumped from the identified potential source. An underground channel from the slopes of Mount Meru will suffice. Additionally, and a huge tank constructed atop a hill near the campus will also serve to ease the supply network.

However, the problem of lack of funds, this project seems next to impossible. According to the VC, they have received a go-ahead from the Pangani Water Basin Authority (PWBA), the water users’ association and the Arumeru District authorities. This is despite the fact that the project is still on the drawing board.

Declining water supplies from the boreholes forces the institution to ration water for its daily needs. On average the campus attracts about 500 people daily. This is inclusive of the employees as well as visitors.