Home » water & sanitation » Tanzania to use US$114.6m to improve water supply in Mwanza

Tanzania to use US$114.6m to improve water supply in Mwanza

Home » water & sanitation » Tanzania to use US$114.6m to improve water supply in Mwanza

Sanitation and water supply in Mwanza region is set improve following the US$114.6m that have been channeled in various water projects.

The development partners who have pledged to offer funding for the projects are the French Development Agency, the European Investment Bank and Tanzanian government. Mwanza Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Authority (MWAUWASA) Managing Director Anthony Sanga said recently that the soft loan will now help in the implementation of the water projects under the pipeline.

He went ahead and mentioned the areas where the money will be channeled from the projects under Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Project (LVWATSAN) as Mwanza City, Ilemela Municipality, Misungwi District Magu District and Lamadi town council.

“For years we have been busy improving  sanitation and water supply in Mwanza but this time we have secured the funds and the sanitation component, especially in schools and other public places, will get the top priority,” said Eng Sanga, adding that the projects will improve the pathetic situation in many school toilets and public areas like markets.

The first three projects of about US$2.8mn have already been signed, with White City International Contractors Limited, Jonta Investment Company Ltd and BENNET Contractors Limited tasked to implement the projects between next month and June next year.

The three firms, as per deals, will build the selected toilets for schools, public spaces and commercial buildings in Mwanza City Council and Ilemela Municipal Council as well as constructing simplified sewerage system in Mwanza City.

Engineer Sanga noted that the three projects will be the first in the entire deal, noting that the other contracts for the remaining projects are due for signing anytime. He appealed to the firms to deliver good quality work so as to win the confidence of donor for possible increase of funding.

Renatus Mlunga, the Ilemela Municipal Mayor appreciated the project financiers and the Tanzanian government for supporting the projects, expressing confidence that communicable diseases like cholera will be controlled.