Home » Energy » Renewables » Tenders to build PV power plants in Algeria to be advertised next June ?

Tenders to build PV power plants in Algeria to be advertised next June ?

Home » Energy » Renewables » Tenders to build PV power plants in Algeria to be advertised next June ?

A call for tenders for the installation of 1,000 MW of PV power plants in Algeria will be launched next June.

According to Chems Eddine Chitour, an Algerian scholar, researcher, and author who is currently serving as the North African country’s Minister of Energy Transition and Renewable Energies the plants will be constructed in 10 wilayas of the country, each plant with a capacity of 100 MW.

The power plants will allow the country, which is highly dependent on gas for its electricity production, to save 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

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“If we manage to produce 1,000 MW, we will gain 300 million cubic meters of gas that can subsequently be exported for additional revenue,” explained the minister.

The projects will also enable the country to achieve its medium-term objective of having an installed solar capacity of 15,000 MW come the year 2035.

Establishment of a company dedicated to renewable energies

To supervise all the projects in the sub-sector, the establishment of a company dedicated to renewable energies is being contemplated.

Sonatrach (Société Nationale pour la Recherche, la Production, le Transport, la Transformation, et la Commercialisation des Hydrocarbures s.p.a.), the Algerian government-owned company formed to exploit the hydrocarbon resources of the country, and Sonelgaz, the state-owned utility in charge of electricity and natural gas distribution in Algeria, will be the main players in this initiative.

“This company must be born. It is a commitment. If the energy transition has any chance of succeeding in this country, Sonatrach and Sonelgaz must be involved”, said Minister Chitour.

Speaking of the energy transition, the country also aims to rationalize energy consumption, and include electric mobility in its habits by installing electric terminals making electric vehicles affordable.