The Institute of Architects in Zimbabwe, popularly known as The IAZ, is headquartered in Zimbabwe’s capital city, Harare. Established in 1924, the IAZ was originally named the Institute of Rhodesian Architects. At Zimbabwe’s independence in 1980 the institute was given its current name. The main aim of the institute is to provide support to its registered members, architects professionally working in Zimbabwe, and to improve the professional status of architects in the country. Membership is based on payment of an annual fee, and to join, the architects must meet a minimum educational qualification.

The institute is run by an elected board which works together to ensure the aims of the Institute are maintained, and the architectural profession maintains its important status in Zimbabwe. The aims of the IAZ are as follows:

The Institution aims to;

Assist and co-operate with the Council in any matter within the powers and jurisdiction of the Council;

Represent the views of the Architects’ profession and to maintain its integrity and status; to promote the amicable settlement or adjustment of disputes concerning professional matters, to promote social intercourse between members and members of other professions and callings and to consider and deal with all matters affecting the professional interests of members; save where such matters fall within the sole jurisdiction of the Council;

Encourage and promote the study of architecture and to provide means of securing efficiency and responsibility on the part of those seeking admission to the profession;

Establish or arrange, support and maintain libraries, reading rooms, public displays and other functions and to print, publish and circulate books, periodicals, pamphlets and other matters on any subject relating to the profession of an architect and on architecture generally;

Control, supervise and provide facilities for professional training and to determine the conditions applicable thereto;

Fund, grant, accept or administer scholarships, bursaries and prizes and to adopt any means for encouraging and directing students in architecture;

Conduct, assist or encourage architectural research and to make public the result of the same;

Affiliate or otherwise enter, into an alliance with any association or other organized body of architects and to co-operate with such association or body in any endeavor furthering the aims and advancement of architecture generally;

Establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of matters relating to architecture generally and to promote or oppose legislation in Parliament.

Zimbabwean architects have been an integral part of infrastructure   development across the country.


  1. What qualities do you need to have to join the institute of architects. I have a passion for architecture and art and this aticle drew my attention. I would like to attain more knowledge and experience with you.

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