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Tunisia to invest US$172.87m on roads

Home » Transport » Roads » Tunisia to invest US$172.87m on roads

Tunisia will add a total of US$172.87m to its road construction investment by building 79 km of roads, 7 bridges and 2 interchanges, the Equipment and Land Settlement Minister Mr. Slaheddine Malouch has said.

This is among the projects whose tenders have been launched in Tunisia. Addressing a press conference, the minister said that the government has a plan to spend a total of US$377.3m in roads construction. Part of the plan includes 36 projects involving construction of 671 km that are already under construction.

Construction of the roads is expected to ease traffic in towns and open up other areas for economic development. The already completed Radès-La Goulette Bridge, which links the northern suburbs to the southern suburbs of Tunis through 12 km of double-track roads, with a bridge brace of 260m, the first of its kind in Tunisia, receives 25,000 vehicles daily.

Part of the larger construction plan includes expansion of the Tunis-Hammamet highway set to start in August. According to the minister, the construction work is scheduled after summer because the highway records large traffic during this season. It is expected that contractors will take 20 months on a project that will cost US$34m. In addition, the work will be completed in two tranches, namely the construction of the Turki-Hammamet-South and construction of the Turki-Tunis route.

The minister revealed that a total of US$76m will be spent on over 24 projects involving building of 744 km byroads.