Home » Buildings » Schools » 3 classroom block project launched at Mukokye primary, Uganda

3 classroom block project launched at Mukokye primary, Uganda

Home » Buildings » Schools » 3 classroom block project launched at Mukokye primary, Uganda

A US $27,281.72 three classroom block project has been launched at Mukokye primary school in Kabale District, Uganda. This is after the school’s headteacher Mr George Kamuhanda, wrote a proposal to attract partners that would help in renovating the school which has a number of infrastructure deficits.

According to the headteacher, the school which is located in Maziba Sub-county, which is about 2kms on the Ugandan border with Rwanda; continues to suffer from glaring disadvantages emanating from limited manpower and infrastructure deficits. “The government has paid less attention to this school as they have never considered us for a facilitation grant or rehabilitation programme. We are therefore struggling and operating in dilapidated buildings because the school has never received any facilitation grant from the government,” he added.

He further added that the teachers lack accommodation while pupils struggle to access clean water. “Some teachers walk about 20kms every day to come to the school. I ride my bicycle for about 30km daily to report to school. If we had modern classrooms and staff houses like other government primary schools, the teaching and learning process would be successful,” said Mr Kamuhanda.

Mukokye primary school is also inaccessible as its terrain and poor road network hinder the transportation of building materials, according to the school management.

Also Read: Zimbabwe provides US $26,344 for construction of classrooms in Kavalamanja, Zambia

Helping hand

Platinum credit Uganda received the headteacher’s proposal and launched a three classroom block project in the school. The launch was presided over by customer service manager at Platinum Credit Uganda, Mr Godfrey Wandera and the legal consultant of the same company, Mr Elvis Twenda. The function was also attended by the Kabale District inspector of schools, Mr Wilberforce Nabasa.