Home » Transport » Bridges » Construction of 11km Kisiro Bridge in Namutumba, Uganda 75% complete

Construction of 11km Kisiro Bridge in Namutumba, Uganda 75% complete

Home » Transport » Bridges » Construction of 11km Kisiro Bridge in Namutumba, Uganda 75% complete

Construction works on the 11km Kisiro Bridge in Namutumba District, Uganda are at 75% complete. Construction of the US $7.5 bridge started in 2019 and is being implemented by Excel Construction Company. The government funded project is expected to be complete this year and boost the economy in the area.

According to Mr Wilberforce Waisana, a resident of Kisiro Trading Centre, prior to the construction of the bridge, travelers from Bulange, Bugobi and Namutumba would connect to Butaleja and Tororo via Budumba Bridge, which is quite expensive.

“Many farmers, fishermen and business people are looking forward to the benefits of the bridge because of its strategic location. We have been paying US $2.78 to sail from Kisiro to Butaleja,” Ms Prossy Nabulumba, a tomato vendor in Kisiro Trading Centre,” he said.

Also Read: Construction of US $42m new Makupa Bridge in Mombasa, Kenya begins

Boosting the economy

A resident of Kisiro Village Mr Lamis Ngesi said that once completed the bridge will boost business in Bukedi Sub-region. “This is going to be the easiest route connecting Namutumba to Bukedi, and with many crops in the area such as maize and groundnuts, graining mills will emerge in Kisiro, Bugobi Town Council, Bangu, Malanga, and Budaba in Butaleja District, hence offering ready market,” said Mr Ngesi.

Mr Bernard Oundo, the chairperson of Bangu Village, said that Kisiro Bridge will improve the education sector because more schools will be built in the area. “Many private developers have feared to construct schools in the area because of the transport challenge, but that perception is going to change. Security in Busoga and Bukedi sub-regions will also improve because a police post will be erected near the bridge,” he said.

1 thought on “Construction of 11km Kisiro Bridge in Namutumba, Uganda 75% complete”

  1. We are extremely happy that the kisiro bridge is near completion.
    It will help to link Busoga and Bukedi regions.
    It will also easen traffic along iganga malabar Rd since some motorists may opt to use the alternative route from Tororo via mulanda , Buwesa over the bridge to namutumba and Iganga.

    Compliments to UNRA

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