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Construction of Tanzania?Uganda roads expected to begin soon

Home » Transport » Roads » Construction of Tanzania?Uganda roads expected to begin soon

The construction of the multinational Tanzania–Uganda roads (Masaka through Kyotera to Mutukula, Mutukula to Kyaka, and Bugene through Kasulo to Kumunazi) is expected to begin soon following the conclusion of the feasibility study and detailed engineering design.

Undertaken by LEA Consulting Ltd, the designs covered 89.5 kilometers of the Masaka to Mutukula road section in Uganda, a 30 km section from Mutukula to Kyaka linking to a 133 km Tanzania section from Bugene to Kumunazi via Kasulo.

This exercise was funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB) under the NEPAD Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility (NEPAD-IPPF).

Focus on the mobilization of funds to construct the road

Speaking during the handover ceremony of the designs report, the East African Community (EAC) Deputy Secretary-General in charge of Planning and Infrastructure, Eng. Steven Mlote said that the EAC Secretariat will now focus on mobilization of funds to construct the road, as well as cooperation with other regional, continental and global efforts to improve road transport services and safety.

The purpose of the multinational road network according to Eng. Steven Mlote is to facilitate the development of the regional road transport market in the East African region.

Also Read: Construction of Ndumbi Port in Tanzania 55% complete

Other multinational roads in the East African region

On the sidelines of the handover ceremony of the designs report for the Tanzania–Uganda roads, the EAC Deputy Secretary-General also disclosed that the detailed designs of the 400 km long Malindi – Lunga Lunga and Tanga – Bagamoyo road between Kenya and Tanzania have been completed and the AfDB has agreed to finance the project at the cost of US$ 322m.

In addition, he said that the detailed designs of the 250 km Nyakanazi – Kasulu – Manyovu road in Tanzania which links to the 78 km Rumonge – Bujumbura road in Burundi, and the 92 km Lusahunga – Rusumo road in Tanzania linking to the 70 km Kayonza – Kigali road in Rwanda have also been completed.