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Uganda discusses railway construction with Chinese firm

Home » Transport » Rail » Uganda discusses railway construction with Chinese firm

The president of Uganda Yoweri Museveni has discussed possibility of the China Railway Group Ltd undertaking a railway construction project in the country, in a meeting that took place in State House Entebbe yesterday.

The discussion touched on possibility of the group undertaking construction of a railway running from western Uganda to Kampala border and then to Rwanda, if they can source funds for the project. The delegation from China Railway Group Ltd was led by Mr. Hu Bo.

The president said that the project was big, adding that Uganda had technical experts to assist in the rail construction. He also said the government had equipped some army officers with knowledge and skills to undertake railway construction.

On the side of China Railway Group Ltd, Mr. Hu Bo said that the company was one of the most experienced because it had undertaken TAZARA Rail line and were confident to undertake the railway construction project.

Some of the railway projects in the country include the Standard Railway Gauge – which will stretch from Mombasa to Kampala and then Kigali, Rwanda. The project will take up a total of US$8b. China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) had signed a memorandum of understanding with the government for the construction of the railway line in the country, but the deal went bad according to reports on August following a dispute between the company and China Harbor Engineering Company Limited (CHECL) .