Home » Buildings » Industrial » US $3m Filomena Farm abattoir project in Angola to be completed in June

US $3m Filomena Farm abattoir project in Angola to be completed in June

Home » Buildings » Industrial » US $3m Filomena Farm abattoir project in Angola to be completed in June

Construction of a US $3m abattoir project in Panguila, Bengo province, Angola being built by Filomena Farm will be operational in June. The abattoir which is part of the farm’s overall project, estimated at US $50m that aims to expand its activities, will have the capacity to to slaughter one million chickens per day.

The projects also include the construction of two more sheds (going from 12 to 14 sheds) with a capacity of 85,000 chickens each and the processing of eggs into mayonnaise. According to Executive director, Abbas Nasrallah, Filomena Farm currently has 12 sheds with a total of 1.2 million chickens.

The farms strategy also includes the construction of an animal feed factory capable of producing 500 tons per day. The company currently produces 150 tons of feed daily.

“With the introduction of the new slaughterhouse and an organic fertilizer unit, the project will lead to the creation of 90 new jobs.” said Mr. Nasrallah.

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Production, Diversification of Exports and Substitution of Imports (Prodesi)

He further added that the company has requested funding of approximately US $30.6m, under the Program to Support Production, Diversification of Exports and Substitution of Imports (Prodesi) to increase egg production levels as well as complete other ongoing projects.

The farm which opened its doors in 2015 currently produces 800,000 eggs per day and employs around 400 workers.