Home » Buildings » Residentials/apartments » San Diego City Council in US approves new housing for San Ysidro

San Diego City Council in US approves new housing for San Ysidro

Home » Buildings » Residentials/apartments » San Diego City Council in US approves new housing for San Ysidro

The San Diego City Council in US has approved issuing tax-exempt Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds to facilitate the construction of Ventana al Sur Apartments in San Ysidro. The project will include 100 units for low and very low-income tenants, including 75 units for low-income seniors and 25 units for seniors experiencing chronic homelessness
with a serious mental illness who meet certain income criteria.

According to Councilmember Vivian Moreno (District 8), adding these affordable units to the council’s stock of housing is critical. “I am excited to see this affordable housing project move forward in the San Ysidro community. I have always been a strong advocate of building more housing,” she said.

The Ventana al Sur Apartments development is supported by HOUSING FIRST – SAN DIEGO, San Diego Housing Commission’s homelessness action plan and the nonprofit Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee on Anti-Poverty (MAAC) is a co-developer. Construction of the project is expected to start in May 2021 with completion estimated for Summer 2022.

Also: Construction of $47M affordable housing project begins in Coachella

Housing in San Diego

One of the entities tasked with improving the housing situation in San Diego is the San Diego Housing Commission (SDHC) has earned a national reputation as a model public housing agency, creating innovative programs that provide housing opportunities for low-income and homeless individuals and families in the City of San Diego — the eighth-largest city in the nation, second largest in California.

An award-winning public housing agency created in 1979, SDHC performs three major program functions that create affordable housing opportunities: Federal rental housing assistance provider for more than 15,000 low-income households, annually; Partner to address homelessness, including HOUSING FIRST – SAN DIEGO, SDHC’s landmark homelessness action plan; and Affordable housing developer, investor and lender—producing more than 17,000 affordable housing units since 1981 through partnership developments and acquisitions.