Selkirk College future campus development finalized

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Selkirk College’s future campus development plans have gained momentum as it seeks to develop a range of services, amenities, and experiences that cultivate a vibrant post-secondary learning environment. The college management recently presented the Campus Master Plan 2020-2035 to the Selkirk College Board of Governors.

The Selkirk College future campus development plans gives details of both the short-term and long-term longs that the institution intends to achieve from the development. The 75-page document details the strategies for creating and sustaining a lively community and lays the ground for future development at all locations throughout Boundary and West Kootenay regions.

In a comment during the meeting to endorse the Master plan for the Selkirk College future campus development , Vice President of College Services Kerry Clarke said the entire project is part of the institution’s ongoing formal planning which is required for any public post-secondary institution. He said the document was prepared following input from various stakeholders like staff, students, and the community.

“Going through the process of preparing this document, we gathered input from students, staff, and the community that helped shape the final outcome. This is about facilities and infrastructure, but ultimately it’s about creating spaces that inspire and help contribute to student success,” Kerry said.

It took 18 months to develop the master plan working in partnership with consultant Sahuri+Partners Architecture. Developing the master plan involved a comprehensive process of studying the college’s current assets resources as well as what is required to develop the project and sustain learning operations.

The development envisions the college as more than a collection of buildings and learning facilities but a network of ideas, people, information, and activities that drive change.  The document lays out a plan for the development of a compact, animated, active, and sustainable campus community.

Among the items covered in the Campus Master Plan 2020-2035 is a five-year action plan to revamp its facilities in Nakus, Kaslo, Grand Forks, Trail, Nelson, and Castlegar.

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