US Bank Stadium construction, Minneapolis, faces turmoil.

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The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority (MSFA), the organisation responsible for the current operations at the US$1.1 billion US Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, disclosed that it is in mediation with “multiple parties involved in the design and construction process” of the venue. The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority did not release any details about the nature of the issue or which companies are involved, being confidential around discussions. In its public statement, the authority pointed out that it would safeguard the public’s investment in the project, which totals nearly US$500 million. The state contributed $348 million, and a gas tax will generate a total of US$150 million. The Minnesota Sports Facilities Authorities characterized the mediation process so far as “collaborative” and “positive” and said it will give details once the parties have reached a final agreement.

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The $1.1 billion publicly subsidized stadium opened in August 2016 on the site of the former Metrodome, having taxpayers covering nearly $500 million of the cost. It is home of the Minnesota Vikings, an American Football team. However, arguments over its construction and design are still going on despite the project being completed after just 18 months of construction. Other issues came up after the stadium officially opened, mainly related to water leaks and wind damage to the zinc panels that cover much of the stadium’s exterior. Workers, however, reinforced the panels to keep them from blowing off and additional moisture barriers were added, but the cost of the repairs was never specified. It’s also unclear who would be responsible for the fixes and if the problems were related to the design of the US Bank Stadium, the materials themselves or something else altogether.