Vianode’s North America’s large-scale synthetic graphite plant to get $300M funding from Germany’s Euler Hermes

Home » News » Vianode’s North America’s large-scale synthetic graphite plant to get $300M funding from Germany’s Euler Hermes

Vianode’s large-scale synthetic graphite plant in North America records project progress after Germany’s Euler Hermes $300 million loan guarantee confirmation. While acting for the German Government, Euler Hermes AG confirmed the eligibility of Vianode’s synthetic graphite plant through a Letter of Interest.

Project progress

The facility’s site selection process is in the final stages, and its likely to be established near General Motors (GM) automotive cluster. Vianode is also currently building the local organization for the large-scale synthetic graphite project. Construction of the North American facility will be complete by 2027.

Vianode’s North America’s large-scale synthetic graphite plant

The advanced battery materials company is set to start production in the plant in mid 2027. The facility is designed to produce up to 70,000 tons of synthetic graphite annually with main supply to North America and Europe. The latest announcement with regard to the project will also cater for the procurement of production equipment for the plant.

Also indicated of the $300 million by German’s Euler Herman is that its an “important step in the overall funding of Vianode’s synthetic graphite plant in North America.” This is according to the CFO at Vianode, Howard Ormonroyd.

Up close illustration of Vianode's large-scale synthetic graphite facility in North America
Up close illustration of Vianode’s large-scale synthetic graphite facility in North America

Vianode’s North America’s large-scale synthetic graphite plant represents a multi-billion-dollar investment by diverse stakeholders. With the current streamlined project financing, the facility will boost local anode supply for batteries and electric vehicles (EVs).

This will also see it match up to Asia, who according to Howard, manufactures the battery material “at scale almost exclusively”.

Why synthetic graphite

Graphite makes up the bulk of the lithium-ion battery by weight. Convectional production methods in large-scale produce a lot of carbon. This is because they involve the natural mining process from carbon-rick rock formations.

Synthetic types like Vianode’s make the anode graphite with about 90% reduction in carbon footprint as they are manufactured in high-temperature production processes.

Vianode currently has two large-scale synthetic graphite production plants, and a Technology Center in Norway. The North American large-scale synthetic graphite plant is set to add to its portfolio once the project is complete.

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