Home » Buildings » Vista Park Extension 3 Housing Project in Bloemfontein, South Africa

Vista Park Extension 3 Housing Project in Bloemfontein, South Africa

Home » Buildings » Vista Park Extension 3 Housing Project in Bloemfontein, South Africa

Vista Park Extension 3 is a proposed development of 126 Ha piece of land in Bloemfontein, one of South Africa’s three capital cities, and the capital of the Free State province, which is also known as Bloem, into a mixed-use township.

The project involves the construction of a total of 5 320 residential units including 1 596 BNG housing multi-storey units, 1 500 CRU/Social housing multi-storey units, 1 045 FLISP/GAP & rental housing multi-storey units, and 1 179 freestanding open market bonded units.

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It also includes the development of 6 business and retail opportunities (mixed-use), 4 crèches, 4 religious sites, 3 schools (Primary and Secondary), 10 parks (active and non-active), and 1 hospital. In addition, the Vista Park Extension 3  project involves the upgrading of bulk and link infrastructure, road, stormwater, sewer, water, and electrical infrastructure construction.

Diverse green efforts involving energy-saving technology such as solar water heaters, heat pumps, enhanced insulation, gas, and recycling projects will be implemented as well as various initiatives such as food gardening and urban greening. Aside from the environmental advantage, these steps will help cut power demand by the development and make the township more socially and visually appealing.

Development of the Vista Park Extension 3 Housing Project

The Mangaung City Council published a Request for Proposals (RFP) for several pieces of property before Calgro M3 Developments Pty Ltd was selected to build the Vista Park Ext 3 land lot after submitting a turnkey development proposal.

In 2014, the essential Land Availability and Development Agreements were completed and signed.

Managing Local Municipality is responsible for all bulk and link infrastructure enhancements while Prism Environmental Management Services were appointed as the independent environmental consultants to contact the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process.