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Wisconsin’s Point Beach Solar Energy Center project commissioned

Home » Energy » Wisconsin’s Point Beach Solar Energy Center project commissioned

To celebrate the commissioning of Wisconsin’s newest large-scale solar energy project, Jefferson Utilities Senior Energy Services officials recently joined state leaders and executives from NextEra Energy Resources and WPPI Energy for the ceremony of The Point Beach Solar Energy Center. Located near Two Rivers, and adjacent to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, the solar energy center spans 465 acres. The nuclear plant also supplies power to Jefferson through Jefferson Utilities. Construction for the Point Beach Solar Center went on for around 10 months. It has generated a significant economic boost to the region, stimulating the purchase of regional goods and services, and creating 200 construction jobs. The Point Beach Solar Energy Center features more than 315,000 PV solar panels. It has the capacity to generate 100 MW of electricity.

Also Read: Construction given the green light for 250 MW solar projects, Wisconsin

The energy will power the utility center through WPPI Energy, their not-for-profit wholesale power provider, of which Jefferson Utilities is a member-owner. The power purchase agreement (PPA) will be in effect for two decades. The adjacent Point Beach Nuclear Plant has been producing zero-carbon and reliable energy for nearly six decades. WPPI Energy already buys a part of the energy that the facility produces to serve member utilities. The Point Beach Solar Energy Center now is online and already supplying renewable energy to Jefferson.

“We are excited to see this project come online. Not only will Point Beach Solar further diversify our portfolio and help us continue to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions associated with supplying power, but it will also provide cost-effective energy to our member communities. It’s the type of project where everyone wins,” said Mike Peters, president, and CEO of WPPI Energy. With the addition of Point Beach Solar Energy Center, the WPPI Energy membership is well on its way to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 45% by 2025 when compared to 2005.