Zimbabwe DDF gears for massive projects

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With a budget of roughly $30 billion next year, the District Development Fund projects that include putting in the essential infrastructure for development, such as redesigning and upgrading highways, airports, and digging boreholes, are being hastened.

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Zimbabwe DDF road projects

Major projects, such as the Karoi-Binga Road, will now be worked on by three teams, each covering three portions, under the District Development Fund (DDF).

DDF plans to establish fully equipped road building units in each province to help maintain its 32 000km road network and other special routes.

A crew will work from Zvipani to Siakobvu, another from Siakobvu to Zvipani, and a third from Binga to Siakobvu on the Karoi-Binga route, which will eventually provide a northern connection road across Zimbabwe connecting the two major north-south roads.

The Monte Casino, Chapoto-Kanyemba, and Nyakasikana-Karanda roads are among the others.

Buffalo Range Airport, Bumi Hills, Chivi, Murehwa, and Kanyemba are among the airports and airstrips that will be constructed next year.

In an interview, Mr. Christopher Shumba, the DDF’s permanent secretary, said that the fund was planning big community initiatives for next year. He went on to say that at least $30 billion will be required to complete the projects next year.

Engineer Goodwill Mapako, the DDF’s interim roads director, said the fund received $690 million from Zinara, which will support at least one project in each province. There will be at least 10 kilometers of surfacing in each province and work on 12 bridges around the country.

Zimbabwe DDF Buffalo Range Airport projects


Work on renovating Buffalo Range Airport is underway, according to Eng Mapako, with the contractor anticipated being on-site to conduct an asphalt concrete overlay.

Roads in national parks, including Mana Pools, Gonarezhou, and Hwange, will be reconstructed.

He stated that DDF’s goal was to change the whole road network.

Boreholes projects

Part of the District Development Fund project also includes the digging of at least 35 000 boreholes, one for each community, with larger villages receiving two, to increase access to water and sanitation, with the time factor being mostly determined by funding.

Mr. Wilfred Kachitsa DDF, finance director, aimed to supplement Treasury disbursements by maximizing earnings from the company’s assets, which included boats, lodging facilities, and airplanes.

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