Home » water & sanitation » Water Supply » Morton Jaffray water treatment plant in Harare, Zimbabwe undergoes upgrades

Morton Jaffray water treatment plant in Harare, Zimbabwe undergoes upgrades

Home » water & sanitation » Water Supply » Morton Jaffray water treatment plant in Harare, Zimbabwe undergoes upgrades

The Morton Jaffray water treatment plant in Harare, Zimbabwe was temporarily shut down on 30th April to undergo much needed upgrades. The upgrade works included the fitting of a new pump, valve and repair of major leaks which were hindering the proper distribution of water in the city.

According to Corporate and communications manager Michael Chideme, the temporary shutdown from 4pm to 6pm is to allow for the installation of a pump at Warren Control Pump Station to match the improved water delivery capacity that is now averaging 300 million liters a day. “Other outstanding work that includes the repair of leaks at Warren Control Pump Station and installation of the main delivery valve on pump number 8 at Morton Jaffray will also be done,” he confirmed.

Also Read: Gabon repairs drinking water leaks in Libreville and Owendo

Water supply in Harare

Harare’s water supplies remain erratic despite the city council’s claims that volumes at its main purification plant have increased to help fight the outbreak of coronavirus. The city needs at least US $2.3bn to address the acute water shortages in the city through the construction of new dams, new water treatment plants, and the refurbishment of the existing infrastructure including the water distribution network.

The water situation has forced residents to continue queuing at community boreholes, exposing them to the risk of the spread of coronavirus. Residents need tap water on their doorsteps to make the lockdown a success and to fight against the spread and of coronavirus.