The District Development Fund (DDF) in Zimbabwe has intensified the rehabilitation of damaged roads in Matabeleland South province’s seven districts. According to DDF provincial coordinator, Mr Moment Malandu, civil works moved a gear up last month after they received US $40m from the central Government.
“Our target is to work on 179 km in Beitbridge, 63 km in UMzingwane, 109km in Gwanda, 136km in Insiza, 119km in Matobo, 127km in Bulilima and 75km in Mangwe districts. We are however expecting more funding and an additional grader to boost our capacity on the ground. We have already started work in all the seven districts and this is being done in a phased approach. Our target is to have covered most of the roads by the end of next month,” he said.
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Rehabilitation of roads in Zimbabwe
Mr Malandu further added that the scope of work involved spot gravelling, regrading, reshaping, culverts, piped drifts, and bridges construction. “We have requested US $229m from the Government to service 808km. Beitbridge has so far rehabilitated the Mapayi to Dite to Peters road (30km), Lutumba to Tongwe (10km) and reconstructed the Mapani Bridge which links the Mapani area and Tongwe,” he said.
“Civils works are ongoing on the Elangeni Bridge in Insiza, Moza to Pakama (13km) in Bulilima, Embakwe to Mhlotshana (9km) in Mangwe, Bada to Fumuguwe and Sithupa to Sigangatsha (29km) in Matobo, Masholomoshe to uMzingwane and Ntepe to Mbizo (48km) in Gwanda, and the Mawabeni to Kumbudzi and Irisivale (29km) in UMzingwane respectively,” said Mr Malandu.
The DDF provincial coordinator said that they were hoping to get more equipment from their head office so that they may be able to deliver expeditiously. The organisation is relying on one grader that caters for the whole of Matabeleland South. He also mentioned that in the interim they are using contractors to carry out motorised grading of the roads.
Thank very much,looking forward to these huge projects.Please don’t forget Nkayi district.Matebeleland North.