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Zimbabwe allocates US $9.3m for upgrade of Morton Jaffray and Warren Control water works

Home » water & sanitation » Supply » Zimbabwe allocates US $9.3m for upgrade of Morton Jaffray and Warren Control water works

Zimbabwe has allocated US $9.3m through devolution funds for the upgrade of Morton Jaffray and Warren Control water works to improve water supply across the capital city.

State Minister for Presidential Affairs and Monitoring Implementation of Government Programmes Joram Gumbo accompanied with State Minister for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Harare Metropolitan Province Oliver Chidau, senior Government officials and council officials recently toured Morton Jaffray and Warren Control water works.

Minister Gumbo said that he was happy that the devolution funds were making an input in water provisions. “The allocation through the devolution funds is a good sign, a good injection for this development,” he added.

He however mentioned that the US $9.3m is not enough. “Talking to the engineers, they still need another US $2m to make sure that all they require for the works to be done is in order,” he said.

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Rehabilitation of the water projects

The upgrade of Morton Jaffray and Warren Control water works which is being carried out by a South African company called Agrico is set to improve water provision. Water woes have persisted in Harare and the council chose to be quiet for a long time, further worsening the water situation.

Last year, Harare supplied 380 mega litres of water per day to its residents and this year they are supplying 442 mega litres, but after the refurbishments the local authority is targeting 614 mega litres per day.

Minister Chidau said the provision of water was a key component of the government’s agenda to ensure good service delivery and improve the general standard of living in Harare and Zimbabwe at large.