Dominvs Group has been given a go-ahead to develop a 713-bed Student’s Accommodation Scheme in West London, particularly at the former magistrate’s court site in Hammersmith. The development, designed by architect Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, will upon completion provide student housing adjacent to Imperial College London’s campus, which is supporting the development.
The halls will be built near the 400-bed Premier Inn that is currently being developed. The majority of the student rooms will be taken by Imperial College London, and 359 will be offered at affordable rentals set by the Mayor of London. Inside the 21,400sqm Student’s Accommodation Scheme in West London, there will be a gym, study, and seminar space, as well as 553 bike storage, an outdoor courtyard, and a garden with event space.
Concerns raised regarding the project and response by the Fulham Council
Six persons wrote to Hammersmith and Fulham Council to express their opposition to the project. Some neighbors said the structure was badly planned and that the overlooks would infringe on their privacy. Others have complained that the structure does not fit in with the rest of the neighborhood and will reduce the quantity of natural light accessible.
However, according to a report by the council’s planning department, the impact of the proposed development on adjoining occupiers is considered acceptable. The report further explained that there would be no significant worsening of noise/disturbance and overlooking, no unacceptable loss of sunlight or daylight or outlook to cause undue detriment to the amenities of neighbors. In this regard, the development would respect the principles of good neighborliness.”
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Previous plans for the Student’s Accommodation Scheme in West London site
Dominvs was earlier allowed to develop two hotels on the site in 2020, but due to financial worries, they decided to build a block of halls instead. “The changing picture in the hotel development funding market for franchise hotels has forced Dominvs to explore other options,” according to a planning report.
It adds: ”Dominvs has conducted a wide-ranging review of different land uses, including office and healthcare use for example, and this revealed that purpose-built student accommodation is both an appropriate and the most deliverable use on this site, with both operator and higher education institution interest (including from Imperial College London) in moving development forward.”