Albert Wimmer was born in 1947 born in Vienna. He has a degree of architecture from the Technical University of Vienna. Albert attended Salzburg international summer academy, J. B. Bakema and G. Candilis, Salzburg-seminar in American studies. In 1974 – 1977, he attained a diploma of town-planning from London Architectural Association.
Albert has been a self-employed architect in Vienna since 1977. In 1989-1993, he was the chairman of the Chamber of Architects Vienna. He was a member of board of trustees at the Vienna urban renewal and land appropriation fund from 1991-2002. 1991-1995, member of “Fachbeirat” Vienna, 1992-1993, member of the international advisory board for urban development Vienna, 1992-1994, member of the advisory board Wels.Albert was the chairman of architects at Vienna Künstlerhaus continuous juries from 1998-2007.
Albert Wimmer’s architecture studio was founded in 1977. The realisation of large scale projects such as the “Freudenau” power-station of Vienna, the reorganisation and revitalisation of the Leuven town centre in Belgium, the housing and residential area of “Perfektastraße” in Vienna as well as the “Quarter Helgoland”, the elaboration of the “Corporate Identity-Manuals” for the Austrian Railways and the construction of the sports and leisure park “Tivoli-New” in Innsbruck, the stadium in “Salzburg Wals-Siezenheim”, the EURO 2008-Stadium of Klagenfurt and the EURO 2012-Stadium in Lviv (Ukraine) have been enabled through major successes in competitions.
Major successes in architectural competitions are currently shaping the range of activities: The master plan for the district of the south- and central railway station of Vienna, the new conference centre at the United Nations headquarters in Vienna, the master plan “Eurogate” and “Monte LAA” and the ongoing new development of the new hospital “Krankenhaus Nord” in Vienna.
Over many years the studio of Albert Wimmer is experienced and skilled in interdisciplinary work and has accomplished all big assignments and orders to full satisfaction of the clients.
A fix team of some 40 very committed, highly qualified, international employees, whose core has had a constant composition of fifteen persons over the last fifteen years, guarantees high-level professional expertise. The work routine is described by a tight network of cooperation with colleagues and other experts on national and international levels.
Over many decades a highly qualified staff has gained broad experience and know-how through continuous professional planning and processing of projects in Austria and other countries.
The Atelier Albert Wimmer ZT GmbH has wide experience and great knowledge of realisation of large scale projects in master planning and urban design. The Atelier sets great value to continuing quality checks and has therefore specialised employees.
1977: Foundation of Architect Wimmer’s studio concepts for ‘aa’ (advanced architecture): feasibility studies consultation- and guidance work for major clients in procedural techniques jury-activities. In 2000: Foundation of AN_architects ZT-GmbH office- and cultural buildings.
In 2003: Foundation of Albert Wimmer ZT-GmbH strategies for the future of housing, town planning and environment master plans and urban design, infrastructure planning such as railway stations and affiliated trade centres, bridges and stadiums adaptations, reconstructions and redefinitions in historic context settlement structures, residential areas, dwelling objects special building developments. 2004: Foundation of Albert Wimmer Ltd; international projects.
His architectural designs emphasis on; Social Architecture, Health Care, Urban Desig, Infrastructure, Sports and Leisure, Culture and Ecology.
He has written several publications including; the “WOHNEN IN WIEN – 20 residential buildings by Albert Wimmer”, Springer New York Wien, 2012, New Conference Building Vienna / UNO-City”, Springer New York Wien, 2010, Stadiums. Albert Wimmer”, Albert Wimmer (ed.) Springer New York Wien, 2008, Faszination Stadion 2006 – Die WM-Stadien“, Stadionwelt®, Brühl/D 2005, Wiener wohn_bau 1995-2005“, Claus Pándi (ed.), Wien 2005.
LIVING: Die GESIBA – Beiträge zur Stadt- und Wohnkultur, Wien 2001, GESIBA – Gemeinnützige Siedlungs- und Bauaktiengesellschaft (ed.) Austrian Contemporary Art Exhibition“, Shanghai Art Museum, China, Shanghai 2001, wimmer cooper gerngross“, Künstlerhaus Wien, 2001, Ernst Koch: Im Maßstab der Peripherie – Die Thermensiedlung Oberlaa, Picus Verlag, Wien 1999, Zeitschrift „WIMMER“, Wien 1997,Ernst Koch und Robert Koch: Wiener Wohnbau-Vielfalt, Wirtschafts- und Verlagsgesellschaft, Wien 1994, S. 367 f.
Stadtgestaltung und Blocksanierung, aus Internationalem Symposium Stadterneuerung, Wiener Bodenbereitstellungs- und Stadterneuerungsfonds, Wien 1988, Donauinsel – Ein Jahrhundertprojekt, Stadterneuerungsvorgänge in Wien aus Reflexionen und Aphorismen zur österreichischen Architektur, Viktor Hufnagl / Bundesingenieurkammer, Bundesfachgruppe Architektur, Wien 1984.
Urban Development Model The Greater London Area, Architectural Association, Planning Department, London 1974
Albert has taken part in several competitions. He was the 1st prize winner of the Residential Building “Sonnwendviertel”,Vienna in November 2009. Hospital North, 1210 Vienna, December 2008, Residential Building Pernerstorfergasse, 1100 Vienna November 2008, Vienna Central Station Area Bridge One (car traffic), Bridge Two (pedestrian), March 2008, Eurogate residential building in July, 2007.
He was also the 1st prize winner of the The Eurogate/Aspanggründe and EM-Stadium Klagenfurt, Masterplan Hauptbahnhof Vienna and the New Conference Center “VIC-M”, Vienna in 2004. Railway Bridge „Freudenauer Hafenbrücke in 2003. In 2002, Masterplan „New Quarter Monte LAA. In 2000 – 2001, he won the Railway Station “Wien Praterstern “Prize, in realization, Residential high-rise building.
In 1999 he won the Höchstädtplatz, 1200 Vienna, Schmidtstahlwerke, 1100 Vienna. 1998, Sports- and Leisurepark Tivoli-Neu, Innsbruck 1st Prize, realized, Elementary School Hennersdorf 1st Prize. Between 1987 – 1997, Albert won the Housing area Wiener Neustadt, Stadtteilentwicklung Karlsruhe. He was 1st prize realized for the; Residential building, hall of residence, retail Forsthausgasse, 1200 Vienna, Town planning expert’s report and feasibility study, Triesterstraße, 1100 Vienna, Town planning expert’s report Herzgründe, 1100 Vienna, S Town planning expert’s report, Handelskai 302 -304, 1020 Vienna and Hydroelectric Power Station, Vienna Freudenau.
[pull_quote_center]Among the awards he has won is the; Brunel Award 2011 for the Freudenauer Hafenbrücke (railway bridge), IOC/IAKS Award 2005 in the category Sports Facilitis for international events for the stadium Salzburg Wals-Siezenheim, IOC/IAKS Award 2003 in the category Sports Facilitis for international events for the stadium Tivoli-Neu, Innsbruck and Domico-special price 1999 with Team 3C – Wimmer/Schwarz/Hansjakob for Hydro-electric Power Station, Vienna-Freudenau[/pull_quote_center]
He is married to Univ.-Prof. Dr. Beate Wimmer-Puchinger, and they have 2 daughters