Home » Kitchen fittings for a modern African kitchen

Kitchen fittings for a modern African kitchen

Home » Kitchen fittings for a modern African kitchen

As an international partner in the contract business, Häfele sees it as their role to develop the best possible solutions for maximum functionality together with you the architects, developers, investors, builders and installers. Use their broad products portfolio to build your success and also their very capable door engineering services to assist with any type of door.

With humble beginning in 2003, Häfele East Africa is now representation of 5 countries namely: Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Seychelles. Mr Snehal Bakrania, Regional Representative Häfele East Africa had an exclusive interview with Construction Review

  1. How does Häfele see the African kitchen fittings market?

We see huge potential of kitchen fittings market in Africa; however a lot of exposure and education is needed towards end-user and manufacturers in optimizing an African Kitchen.

  1. What are some of the challenges in the industry and how do you go about them?

Primarily we see information on selecting quality fittings for manufactures and end-user, there are many suppliers in the market but it’s not obvious for untrained eye to qualify quality and tested products which we provide ease of installation use and durability. It’s fundamental to choose the right fittings for the right application and the expertise and experience to advice our customers.

  1. What are the new technologies with regards to Kitchen fitting and electronic locking systems?

Flap and Lid stays are new trends in the kitchen and HAFELE is well places with its “Free” family of flap fittings. We have products to cater for all segments in the market. Hinge-less stay flap fittings designed for all common cabinet heights and door weights combinations, comfortable operating feeling, easy, efficient and time-saving processing, maximum opening angle of 107 degrees. Several options are available from Stay Flat, Double Flap lift up, Swing up free fitting and parallel lift up. The Flap functionality offers wide cabinet options where it increases accessibility and storage volumes.


Electronic Locking systems are not part of Kitchen fittings but at HAFELE we have electronic lock systems for furniture which is increasing demanded at high value retail shops such as jewelers, watches and mobile phone shops.

  1. Have the new technologies been embraced in the African market?

There is demand from the end-user but local manufactures have yet to adopt and offer complete kitchen with fittings, we have already seen imported kitchen with all the fittings. Therefore, the market has embraced it in small portions but local capacity needs to increase.

  1. What are some of the factors to consider when selecting kitchen fittings for a modern kitchen?

In the modern world we have working women therefore it is essential that kitchens are efficient and functional with a place for everything and everything in its place. Its start with cabinet placement and fittings within the cabinets, there is a wide range for pull-out, baskets, soft closing drawer slides, soft closing hinges, organisers, hooks, bins and essentially ambient and function cabinet lighting and many more. It is up to an individual how and what they need. There is no special method of selecting fittings, we have many solutions.

  1. Does Häfele have any future plans for the African market?

Certainly, we want to develop our premium market share, enabling partnership with local manufacturers in offering best Kitchen which are Kenyan built with HAFELE Kitchen fittings.