Joseph di Pasuale developed an innovative design approach to the indutrial architecture which he describe in different publications. He has the opportuinty to test this new approach in the design of significant industrial settlemnts like the new Gewiss technology district in Calcinate in the province of Begamo (80,000 square meters), the new production centre cosmetics Intercos in Crema (40,000 square meters), and the new industrial district Valsir in Vobarno (under Approval), as well as tertiary and industrial settlements in Spain, France and Germany.
Particularly intense is the activity for temporary exhibitions and events, which in five years leads him to design almost 20,000 square metres of stands. He also explores the relation between the architectural and symbolic figuration with collective purposes and functions. The most interesting samples of this research are the architectures of the Kindergarden and civic center of Boltiere (BG, 1997-2001), the restaurant bar Ostroff in Prague (2001. Czech Republic), the headquarters of the Polini Motori in Alzano Lombardo (BG, 2002 — 2004), and Palamonti headquarters of the Italian Alpine Club of Bergamo (2001-2005).
[quote_box_center]He is active in many different fields and for many interventions in all over Europe restructuring and new construction in private villas, offices, industrial buildings,commercial spaces and temporary exhibitions.[/quote_box_center]
Competition and prizes
- He won architectural local and internatinal competitions as the new headquarters of the Italian Alpine Club of Bergamo in 1994 (built), for the Indoor Sports Arena in
- Bergamo in 1997 (unbuilt), and the district Vitkov Park in Prague in 2002. Project
- Mentioned in the competition for the new library realizzaizone of Lecco.
- In 2007 He wins the private competition for new amusment park and resort Minitalia (Milano suburbs)
- In 2008 wins the international urban design competition for the new 75.000 inhabitants ecotown of Nanhe Jingwu, municipality of Tianjin, China.
- In 2008 hei wins the international competition for the 85.000 sqm new headquarter building of Guang Dong Plastic Exchange in Canton, China, now under construction.
He has published books and articles about new industrial architecture, architectural teaching methods, urban and architectural design.