Basotect® G+

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BasotectA new grade of lightweight, sound-absorbing, fiber-free melamine foam, Basotect ® G+ is used in room acoustic applications.

Basotect G+ meets the strict emission requirements of the California Section 01350, which fulfills indoor air emissions for California Collaborative for High Performing Schools (CHPS) and several LEED® criteria, with 35 percent coverage of the ceiling.

The foam can be applied in sound absorption in buildings with no health hazards. It protects skins from direct contact with textilesin product class II. Basotect G+ meets the Oko-Txt Standard 100 human ecology requirements.

It protect the skin since no harmful substances are absorbed to the skin on direct contact. The Basotect G+ foam carries low thermal conductivity, flame retardance and is simple. It comes with fiber-free processing. These characters render the foam useful for interior decorators and designers. It achieves a light reflectance of over 30% than the gray Basotect G.

Apart from Basotect G+ foam, BASF produces other foams such as the Basotect V, Basotect UL, Basotect W, Basotect TG and UF, all with various characteristics. As an improvement to the Basotec V 3012 category, Basotect W achieves more efficient cleaning and is whiter. It also has a Oko-Tex Standard 100 cerification in product class I. It is used as a house hold cleaning eraser, since it is slightly abrasive.


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