Home » Bauma Africa 2013

Bauma Africa 2013

Home » Bauma Africa 2013

bauma 2013By: Torah Onyango , Eric Mong’are and Yvonne Andiva

Bauma Africa which premiered in September 2013 in Johannesburg South Africa clinched the title of beig the largest industry event for the sector in Africa. The event which showcased Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines and Construction Vehicles took up 60,000 square meters at the Gallanger exhibition Center in Midrand.

There were 754 exhibitors, 123 from South Africa and 631 that are headquartered abroad from 38 countries. Besides South Africa, the top exhibitor countries were China, Germany, India, Italy, Korea, Spain, the UK and the US. The show was attended by 14,700 visitors from 110 countries.

Construction Review was there and here, we review the event and bring you some of the exhibitors and the products that they showcased.

Western Global

Global Western







They are the UK manufacturer of tanks and bowsers for the storage of fuel and water and had a very successful show at Bauma this year. Western Global thought the show itself was fantastic, all credit to the organizers. They were thrilled to meet all the visitors to their stand from many different countries, from all over Africa and the Middle East, who showed particular interest in their Transtainer. They were able to discuss with these visitors their vast experience at Global Export, experience spanning 50 years. Western Global tanks and bowsers have a robust design, products are tried and tested and they come with a 3 year warranty.

The company was formed in 1962 in the UK, originally manufacturing trailers. Western has expanded over the years and is now established in 7 countries, including America and Canada. All Western’s products not only meet the stringent test criteria of ADR and UN, they’ve also been tested to meet, and in many cases exceed, the specific requirements.

Renowned globally for their “Transcube” a unique fuel cube that can be transported on the highway filled with fuel, and meet the stringent requirements of the ADR regulations, available in capacities from 250lt to 3000lt. Western Global hope visitors enjoyed their visit to their stand, they look forward to building new relationships with them, and to their next visit to Bauma.

John White of Western Global advises that when buying tanks and bowsers consumers should be looking for an Environmental Compliance Certification. The company you are purchasing from should offer high levels of after sales and technical support, just as Western Global does, along with client consultation.


Lotzer & Muehlenbruch Pumps

pumps Stand pump

L&M pump’s Stand at Bauma Africa                                                                 LM Slurry pump

L&M Pumpen is a company which for 26 years has been engaged in the manufacturing, sales and design of pumps and spare parts for pumps. They use predominantly stainless steel. In addition to their own domestic field service they are active in the international market through factory representatives. The food and the starch industries as well as the sugar, paints and varnishes sectors were their earliest clients because they have always had the highest requirements on material and quality. They also manufacture heavy duty slurry pumps for the mine industry.

However, through further developments and increased acquisitions in the market, as well as the higher quality requirements of the market itself, in the course of time they have continuously gained more clients and applications so that nowadays they are at home in all industries. On a capacity of 3,500 square meters they have about 65,000 spare parts on stock and able to deliver them immediately throughout the whole world. Ilka Thurn, from L&M pumps advices buyers that it is important to look for high quality products, spare parts procurement at a good price and service.


EBAWE Anlagentechnik GmbH


EBAWE is a full service provider with their head quarters based in Germany. They plan, develop and automate production plants for the precast concrete industry supplying not only complete production plants but also single components such as shuttering robots, battery moulds, reinforcement machinery and much more.

They design and plan every plant tailor-made for the client’s specific requirements taking into account the available budget and special environmental influences the country may have. Accordingly, every plant is unique and perfectly adapted to the needs and demands of the particular customer.

Their business is built on deep-seated expertise, innovation and, above all, on satisfied customers, which is the secret behind the success and growth of their group of companies. Annually, they manufacture in the region of ten large plants, in addition to a variety of stand-alone machinery and equipment. And they have been manufacturing precast concrete products for 50 years.

Moreover, EBAWE Anlagentechnik GmbH is a subsidiary company of the PROGRESS Group. The core competences of the four mechanical engineering companies are the design and manufacture of turnkey precast concrete plants – equipped with carrousel systems, machinery and plant for the processing of reinforcement steel off the coil as well as additional equipment for the production of diverse concrete parts.

The most important thing when purchasing a precast plant is the knowledge of the precast products the client wants to manufacture. It is important to know the types of elements, the dimensions and the necessary capacity of the plant. If already available a housing project would be most interesting for the preparation of a tender.



AT Bauma Africa, CIFA is looking with KEEN attention AT development of THE African market. Taking part in the first edition of Bauma in South Africa is a move to bring closer to all African customers their machinery for the construction industry.

According to CIFA ‘s communication and promotion Manager Vito Minunni reports indicate Africa has been growing at an average annual growth rate of 7.8percent in terms of construction investment in the past 5 years, which is more than the trends shown by BRIC countries. Armed with this information, CIFA has appointed new dealers in the last year in Ghana, Sierra Leone and Equatorial Guinea. With the support of Zoomlion Heavy Industry, the Chinese industrial group which acquired CIFA in 2008, they are planning to appoint new dealers also in other emerging countries in the Sub-Saharan area.

Their sentiment is that Bauma Africa has been a success and for sure they will consider other participation in other exhibitions all around the African continent




[email protected]


Western Global

John White

[email protected]


Lotzer & Muehlenbruch Pumps

joerg thurn

[email protected]


EBAWE Anlagentechnik GmbH

Katja Smolinski

[email protected]
