Home » Coverland Opts for Chryso Admixture to Combat Efflorescence in Roof Tiles

Coverland Opts for Chryso Admixture to Combat Efflorescence in Roof Tiles

Home » Coverland Opts for Chryso Admixture to Combat Efflorescence in Roof Tiles

CoverlandCoverland’s strict policies on quality control, health, safety and  environmental protection have led to the concrete roof tile manufacturer’s decision to include the Chryso water repellent efflorescence reducing agent, CHRYSO®Pareflo 20, in its concrete mix.

Coverland is the South African brand of the global Monier Roofing corporation.

Efflorescence is an aesthetic problem that results in a white, chalky substance  deposited on the surfaces of concrete caused by soluble salts migrating through the concrete via capillary action. Once these soluble salts come into contact with air, unsightly white sediment appears.