J.v.G. Thoma’s desert solar modules technology takes off

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The desert solar modules manufactured by J.v.G. Thoma are designed to withstand the toughest of weather conditions – particularly those in extremely hot regions. The famous Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies Nouvelles, or IRESEN for short, which is based in Rabat, Morocco, will be conducting intensive tests on the robustness and performance of the German desert modules over the next few months.

Back in January IRESEN received a DESERT test line with an approximately 10 MW annual capacity from J.v.G. Thoma GmbH and installed it with J.v.G.’s assistance. The line is for testing purposes only and IRESEN will be focusing on the extreme climatic conditions test. In February 2015 the acceptance procedure went off without a hitch and the line was put into operation.

“IRESEN is a testing institute, our customer and our partner. It is also one of the first institutes capable of accurately simulating desert conditions,” explained Hans Thoma, founder and CEO of J.v.G. Thoma GmbH. IRESEN is a state-owned project executing agency, so J.v.G. Thoma knows it has a dependable partner.

What are the special features of the desert modules by J.v.G.? 

J.v.G. Thoma’s desert solar modules are able to withstand (constant) extreme temperatures of up to 125 °C. They are 100 % PID-free and permit maximum energy yields. Even in extreme environments they are incredibly robust. In fact, they are capable of delivering excellent energy yields for 20 years and longer.

IRESEN – functions and background

The IRESEN institute’s main function is to develop Morocco’s research sector and forge a link between industrial research and basic research in the field of renewable energies.

Some big names in Morocco are behind IRESEN. It was founded by The Ministry for Energy, Mining and the Environment, ADERRE (Agence de Développement des Energies Renouvelables et de l´Efficacité Energétique), MASEN (Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy), SIE (Société d´Investissement Energétique), ONEE (Office Nationale de l´Electricité et de l’Eau potable), OCP (L’Office Chérifien des Phosphates), CNESTEN (Centre National de l´Energie, des Sciences et des Techniques Nucléaires), ONHYM (Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines), the MANAGEM Group and the Fédération de l’Energie (Energy Alliance).

Desert modules are one of many innovative products that J.v.G. has developed to the market maturity and series production stage over recent years. The family run company started out in the soldering and coating sector. Today, it is the market leader for turnkey solar production plants and has worldwide operations.

The solar energy portfolio includes solar production consultancy services, solar factory implementation and the purchasing and sale of solar components. The experts at J.v.G. support customers throughout Europe, the Americas and Asia. J.v.G. also provides consultancy services to wholesale customers in Europe and Japan. It is headquartered in Freystadt, Bavaria.

Source: www.jvg-thoma.de

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