photovoltaic panels

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photovoltaic-panelsA new photovoltaic glass product created by the Israeli tech startup company Pythagoras Solar (now based in Silicon Valley) has the potential to revolutionize the way photovoltaic panels are integrated in buildings.

These new units have the benefit of providing power generation and building energy while at the same time allowing light in.

Tested on a series of commercial buildings, including the Sears Tower in Chicago, the panels were not only shown to work, but were well received by architects based on their high transparency and aesthetic appeal. The product also opens up the possibilty for standard glazing replacement in commercial buildings with glass that can generate power and improve energy efficiency.

Not only is the product adaptable to existing building retrofits, the initial cost may actually pay for itself within a fairly short timespan. According to Pythagoras Solar CEO Gonen Fink, retrofitting an office block with the windows can pay back the investment in as little as five years.

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