Solar Frontier, the world’s largest CIS solar energy solutions provider, is bringing new products to Intersolar Europe. The lineup on display will include an expanded range of solutions for homeowners and businesses, as well as innovations such as a lightweight and bendable prototype module.
Solar Frontier will introduce upcoming extensions to its PowerSet offering. PowerSets are CIS rooftop solutions that include modules and electrical components optimized for maximum return and simple installation. They are currently in use on rooftops from the UK to South Africa. New additions to the PowerSet offering will include:
PowerSet Turbo: a standardized system for homeowners featuring a smart CIS turbo inverter for extra power.
PowerSet Industrial: modular systems for industrial rooftops, consisting of standardized and optimized blocks. These ensure convenient planning and easy installation.
PowerStorage: a storage system for homeowners that enables both higher independence from grid-sourced electricity and increased cost savings. PowerStorage is the perfect addition for any PowerSet since it is optimized for CIS technology.
PowerMonitoring: a monitoring portal for residential and commercial PV systems featuring a customer-friendly design and user experience.
Brand new advances to Solar Frontier’s CIS thin-film module technology will also be on display with a lightweight and bendable prototype module engineered at Solar Frontier’s groundbreaking Atsugi Research Center in Japan.
The Intersolar Europe exhibition follows Solar Frontier’s recent announcement that it will jointly develop and sell 100 MW of turnkey CIS solar power plants in the UK. Throughout the exhibition, Solar Frontier’s project managers will be on-hand to discuss future opportunities and prospects with long-term investors.
“Solar Frontier is advancing in the EMEA region, and we are doing it on rooftops and on the ground. Our CIS solar energy solutions are designed to extract maximum energy yield, simplify the buying process and minimize risk,” said Wolfgang Lange, Managing Director, Solar Frontier Europe. “We look forward to again showing what Solar Frontier can do, and invite everyone to come see us at Intersolar Europe.”
Solar Frontier will be exhibiting at Intersolar Europe from June 10 – 12 in Hall A, booth A2.260. For more information on Solar Frontier’s CIS technology and solutions in the EMEA region, visit