Benefits of being a member of Master Builders Association South Africa

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To register as a member of Master Builders Association South Africa one has to register online based on your current town.Here is the link to the registration website

Master Builders Association South Africa is the leading national representative body in the building and construction industry in South Africa.

It operates as Federation of registered employer Associations representing contractors and employers in the construction industry, and is regulated in terms of Section 107 of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995.

The Federation’s nine Master Builders Associations, and three Affiliate Associations represent more than 4000 contractors and employers in the industry.

Members of the Master Builders Associations get the following benefits
Contractual & Legal – members get quality support and assistance on contractual, regulatory or building related legal issues.

Promoting Members – members are listed and their services are promoted to the public, as well as to other members on their behalf.

Health & Safety – members receive health & safety advice and assistance.
Networking – members can attend meetings, workshops events and functions throughout the year. Theese are ideal opportunities to network with colleagues and industry stakeholders, or to advertise your products and services to members.

Lobbying – members are represented by a recognised body at the national and regional levels when lobbying government and industry stakeholders on pressing issues affecting the building and construction industry.

Training – members can attend both training programmes are offered to members The Association has a dedicated Training Manager who is able to assist with any training-related queries.

We offer a range of industry and contractor development training courses.

Information – members received online and offline communication on relevant information that members need to run their business efficiently and effectively.

This may include tender notices, regulation updates, and other relevant industry information.
SA BUILDER – members receive a copy of the SA Builder. This is the official journal of Master Builders South Africa, which is published every month.

Kindly note that some of these services are offered at no cost, while others are offered at discounted rates.

Benefits of being a member of Master Builders Association South Africa