Swaziland Contractors Association is the supporting body for all contractors in Swaziland, increasing capacity & sharing information to formalize and positively change the reputation of the construction sector.
It seeks to create a construction sector providing reputable, self-supporting contractors guided by transparent and ethical business practices. Swaziland Contractors Association (SCA) is the supporting body for all contractors in Swaziland, increasing capacity & sharing information to formalize and positively change the reputation of the construction industry.
Their vision is to create a construction sector providing reputable, self-supporting contractors guided by transparent and ethical business practices. As a member of Swaziland Contractors Association, you’re entitled to a wealth of benefits.
Also read:Registering with Southern African Metal Cladding and Roofing Association (SAMCRA)
Following a member survey in 2016, the following of valued member benefits were developed to ensure that the membership are all working towards formalizing and growing the sector in Swaziland.In 2014, when the CIC was gazette, the SCA committee Co opted new members, who altogether formed the current executive committee. Three committee members were to represent SCA on the CIC board to ensure the interests of the members were represented.
Benefits a member will receive:
Training, seminars & workshops on Industry Trends, Business Practices, Business Management, Safe Working Conditions, Operations, Legislation etc.
Up to date listings of open tenders
An Information/Resource Centre – Library, Access to Computers/email, online catalogue
Promotion of members to the public to increase Swazi business
Equipment rental information/database
Preferred rates from Suppliers (insurance, equipment)
Subsidize event attendance (Conferences, Expos)
Microfinance Project – financial assistance
Interested in becoming a member of the Swaziland Contractors Association and taking advantage of the valued benefits?
Membership entails an annual subscription fee of E1500.
Fill out the form on their website
and they will get back to you with next steps or download your applications and return it to their offices