How to Register with the Engineering Institution of Zambia

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The Engineering Institution of Zambia was re-established under the EIZ Act No. 17 of 2010 for the purpose of promoting and regulating the engineering profession. Under regulation it provides for the registration of engineering organizations and regulates their professional conduct.

Key activities of the EIZ include:

  1. Regulating the engineering practice through registration and licensing (compulsory through the EIZ Act)
  2. Providing support for Continuing Professional Development through learning opportunities (conferences, symposia, for a, meetings and workshops etc)
  3. Publishing professional journals and magazines
  4. Providing networks for professionals to meet and discuss their field of expertise
  5. Enforcing a code of Ethics to guide professional behavior
  6. Dealing with complaints against professional’s and implement disciplinary procedures through the Disciplinary Code
  7. Providing career support and opportunities for youths
  8. Accrediting engineering programs

If one would like to apply to be admitted as a Fellow:

A person may, on application to the Institution, be admitted as a Fellow if that person:-

(a) is a Professional Engineer of the Institution or has fulfilled the conditions for such membership;

(b) Has attended an appropriate university, college or school and holds a degree or other   qualification acceptable to the Engineering Council for this class of membership;

(c) at or not more than one year before the time of making his or her application for admission as a Fellow, the applicant is or has been:-

(i) engaged for not less than ten years in a position of superior responsibility in the   administration, design, execution or operation of such important work as in the opinion of the Engineering Council is within the practice of professional engineering or an allied discipline; or

(ii) in practice as a consultant in is or her own account for not less than ten years and has    acquired eminence in the profession; or

(iii) lecturing or teaching at such university, institute or school in such responsible position and for such length of time of not less than ten years; or

(iv) Engaged in research of any approved nature for not less than ten years.

(d) has prepared and presented a Technical Paper at either an Institutional or other recognized event or published a paper in a recognized technical journal.

Their applications forms  can be found on their website


41 thoughts on “How to Register with the Engineering Institution of Zambia”

  1. Kindly explain to me the categories from C1 to D3 i need to understand and choose what to fill in my apllication

  2. Hello am an electrician power electrical certificate holder level 3 how can I have the EIZ number?

  3. Am a first year student under power electrical craft the near future I will be graduating I need to be guided on how I can apply for membership coz in my field they need one to be a member of E.I.Z

  4. Am a holder of trade test level one in automotive mechanics,how do I register and how much is the feel.

  5. Greetings,
    I to register to the EIZ and be a member of this Organization.
    I did Power Electrical Engineering Trade Test level 1. please I am kindly asking how should be registered and be a member of EIZ.

  6. Iam an Electrician Holder of Trade Test Certificate , G8.
    Iam looking forward to register with with your institution . Please could you avail me the more information .

  7. Kindly explain the meaning of the various corporate classes of registration from A1 to D3.

  8. Hello,
    Am Paul Kazwala currently working in the local government under Mufulira municipal council, engineering department, fire brigade section.
    I wish to be a member in this institution may I be guide on what to do?

  9. I’m a certificate holder in plumbing and sheet metal level one and I need to be a member of the EIZ group, please help.

  10. I just attained my bachelor’s degree in pure physics . how do I register for membership under EIZ?

  11. I can appreciate to join the group of Engineers in Zambia, always i look for assistance but i dont get any. .
    Am a holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Survey Engineering and a holder of a Diploma in Engineering Drawing and Computer graphics.

    Looking forward to be a registered with the EIZ

  12. I am a degree holder in building construction at copperstone university and in need of the EIZ certificate please help me.

  13. Application form. Am a boiler maker a holder of craft certificate. Looking for forward registration with your organization

  14. Comment:Am an Electrical and electronic Technician.I would like to register ,which one can go for ,please advise

  15. In which class can I be am a holder of the following certificates, plumber and sheet metal level one, metal fabrication level one, carpentry and joinery level one.

  16. Am a holder of the following certificate in plumbing and sheet metal work, metal fabrication and carpentry and joinery all in trade test level one. looking forward to register with your organization. kindly email me with the required information.


  18. Goodevening, i did power electrical level one i want to register so apart from certificates, what is needed to attach?

  19. If one wants to establish an engineering company , eg contraction ,buildings and roads , the company needs to be registered with the institution?

  20. I wish to be part of the team of engineers of Zambia.I never had a chance to enter any institution that offer formal training in electrical and electronics.I need advice on how to get started and be certified.

  21. Morning Ladies and Gentle men, am a registered member of Engineering Institute of Zambia and personally, I welcome you all to join us and this is a very positive step you have taken .EIZ is a regulatory board which looks at the plight of it’s members that is individuals and organizations and besides that, it also conducts trainings for it’s members and also advises the government on it’s engineering projects .For those, in Solwezi or northwestern province we can assist you .

  22. I have a level 1 craft certificate in bricklaying and plastering how do I register online looking forward to join your organization

  23. Hi,I did power electrical,(craft)I want to be a registered member of E.I.Z,how can I apply online.

  24. Am a craft man in bricklaying and plastering how can i get an application so that i am registered

  25. I have a level 1 certificate in power electrical, what is it that is needed to get affiliated to the institution?

  26. Hi my name is ephraim I’m a teveta holder certificate and i want to be registered with the EIZ certificate, please guide me on what to do…..based in lusaka

  27. I am a craft certificate holder in brick laying and plastering I want to register with your organization please let me know what to do.

  28. Comment:I hold a Diploma in electrical and electronics engineering under City and Guilds and want to be member of EIZ.Kindly advise me on how to get started.

  29. I have registered as a Trainee craft person last month and I was told to wait for a period of three weks for a certificat to be processed of which I waited more than four weeks. When am I going to collect my certificate? Am in kabwe and I did it from Lusaka head office! Please I need to know before I spend transport money to go there!

  30. I did power electrical way back in 2000, unfortunately I don’t have any paper apart from the attachment forms we got. I have been practicing since then, is there any chance for me to have the license?.

  31. Dear sir
    Applications forms.
    Am an electrician holder of craft certificate. Looking forward to register with your organization.
    Kindling avail me with more info
    Thank you see

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