Architects Association of Tanzania (AAT) is a body of Architects established in 1982. It boasts of a total membership of 566 countrywide. These include 328 corporate members, 40 graduate members, 191 student members and 7 technician members.
AAT is the largest family of Architects in Tanzania giving support in lines of continuing professional Development (CPD), networking and access to International Architects Organizations.
Also Read; Tanzania urged to Adopt Building Code by Architectural experts
AAT works with the government of United Republic of Tanzania to improve the built environment and its sustainability by providing advisory support through various workshops and interventions in various forums.
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AAT has been proving technical support to Architects and Quality surveyors Registration Board (AQRB) for several years. This ranges from resources persons in intermediate and final examination review classes, to resource persons in various workshops.
AAT is affiliated with several international organizations include International Union of Architects (UIA), Africa Union of Architects (AUA), Common wealth Association of Architects (CAA) and East Africa Institute of Architects (EAIA).