The Uganda National Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Alliance (UNREEEA) is an association in Uganda. It seeks to unite RE&EE associations in Uganda, under one umbrella organization.
The main vision of UNREEEA is to be the lead alliance in the RE&EE sub sector of Uganda and East Africa, being a partner of choice for government and private sector stakeholders and sister associations in the East African Community.
Also Read; The Africa Renewable Energy Forum
Planned activities include market development for member associations and capacity building. Also, standard quality assurance and consumer protection, as well as, lobbying for conducive policy and regulatory frameworks.
The above go hand in hand with their implementation, awareness raising and information dissemination.
Register with UNREEEA using this link
Benefits to members
Members of UNREEEA stand to benefit in a number of ways in that this platform will;
- Enhance interaction among different associations, enabling them to share expertise across the board.
- Strengthen the ability of RE&EE associations to unanimously lobby for improved policy and legal framework conditions and development and expansion of the market for RE & EE solutions.
- Provide a hub facilitating easy and effective flow of information in the RE & EE business sector and creating capacity to leverage resources and expand access to finance.
- Enable its member associations to further consolidate their leadership position in the National RE & EE sector, as well as at East African Community level.
- UNREEEA is at the forefront of the formation of the East Africa Renewable Energy Alliance. UNREEEA members stand to benefit from this regional association.