ASSOCIATION OF CITIZEN CONTRACTORS TANZANIA (ACCT) is a contractors association registered in February 2011 under the Societies Act, cap 337 R.E. 2002 with objectives to safeguard the Tanzania local contractor’s interests and advocate professionalism in the Tanzania construction industry.
ACCT’s work is focused on establishing and maintaining a healthy construction industry.
•Educating the industry to employ the finest skills
•Promoting building the best quality projects for owners – public and private
•Focusing on providing our members legislative support, representation and lobbying.
•Information and access to cutting-edge ideas, insights to trends and developments,
•How-to adopts information technology, professional development and skills training.
•Value. Direct and measurable benefits saving members more than they are spending on their membership dues
•Industry advocacy
•Education and training
How to join Association of Citizen Contractors Tanzania
You can physically visit our offices at the location stated above and obtain an application form at a fee of Tsh. 10,000/= fill it and return to our offices for further processes OR down load from our website and fill it, deposit the fee for the form (10,000/=) in ACCT account no. 02037980005, BOA Bank, scan the pay in slip and send by e-mail address [email protected]. The form without the pay-in-slip will not be processed.
Association of Citizen Contractors Tanzania (ACCT)
Kinondoni A, Wibu Street Plot No. 278
P.O.Box 14666,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 22 2664787
Email: [email protected] Web: