The Botswana Institution of Engineers (BIE)consists of engineers from all engineering disciplines. It is a group of engineers concerned with the development of engineering in the country. It was formed in 1983 as the Botswana Engineers Society.
Also read:How to become a member of Association of Consulting Engineers of Botswana
In 1995 the name was changed to Botswana Institution of Engineers. Its greatest achievement is the Engineers Registration Act (ERA) which would ensure full regulation of the engineering profession and require every practicing Engineer in Botswana to register with Engineers Registration Board (ERB). Implementation by parliament has already taken place.
A memorandum of understanding with the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) was established. The institution also maintains close collaboration with a number of institutions or organizations involved in engineering in Botswana .
These include:
- Association of Consulting Engineers Botswana
- Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST)
- Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board (PPADB)
- The Association of Building Contractors.
- The University of Botswana
The main objectives include:
- Establish and manage a register of members
- To do such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
- Promote the general advancement of engineering and its allied sciences, to encourage research and timely utilization of results for the benefit of the Community in the different branches of engineering and its allied sciences.
- Maintain a library of books, journals and periodicals relating to the engineering and its allied sciences and to encourage the publication of books, periodicals and papers.
- To ascertain and publish the views of the engineering profession on matters of public importance which lie within its competence
- Co-operate as may seem conducive to any of these objects, with national and international organizations and to supplement their work.
Downloading of registration forms is done on their site
How long does it take to be admitted to BIE upon first application?
How do I register and how much is registration fee?
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