Registering with Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria

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The following are requirements for Engineers wishing to become officially registered engineering personnel with Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria(COREN).

Personnel registration
  1. You need to have attained at least 4 years of post-graduate studies
  2. Each applicant has to be registered with one of these organizations: NAEC/NATE/NSE/NISET
  3. Nigerians are asked to provide their school transcripts (through a post, via email or manually)
  4. It is necessary to get 2 proposals beforehand, as they should be submitted during the online application
Consulting firm COREN registration

If you represent a consulting organization, you need to meet the following rules to become a member of COREN:

1.The owner (at least one owner) must be a registered engineer and the company has to have a Certificate of Registration)

2.At least two of the partners have to be registered engineers and pay in time for all their practising fees, while their company should have CAC registration along with incorporation Certificate

3.A shareholder who has 55% percent or more shares should be a registered engineer, and the company should have incorporation Certificate.

Other registration requirements needed include;

1.Provide a professional report on all the engineering design, study and supervisions under the organization that wishes to register (with at least 5 years of experience).

2.Provide a reference letter from trusted COREN member

The list of documents required for registration of the company includes: Company’s brochure Completed corporate affairs application (form 2) Owner’s or partners’ CVs Annual returns form Proof of processing fees payment Application form provided by COREN Partnership deed (if applicable) CAC forms (C07, C02, if applicable) Registration Certificates (if applicable)

About Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, COREN

The Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, COREN, was established by decree 55 of 1970 and amended by Decree 27 of 1992, now the “Engineers (Registration, etc) Act, CAP E11 of 2004” Law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Act establishes COREN as a statutory body of the Federal Government empowered to regulate the Practice of Engineering in all aspects and ramifications in Nigeria.

COREN, is a body set-up by the Decrees 55/70 and 27/92 (now Acts 110). The Decrees empowered the Council to regulate and control the training and practice of engineering in Nigeria and to ensure and enforce the registration of all engineering personnel (i.e. Engineers, Engineering Technologists, Engineering Technicians, and Engineering Craftsmen) and consulting firms wishing to practice or engage in the practice of engineering.


Registering with Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria