A first for Morocco: trickling filters incorporated into newly commissioned wastewater treatment works

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Providing a better environmental effluent discharge and improving odour control, Morocco is now benefiting from the use of trickling filters at the newly commissioned Khenifra Wastewater Treatment Works.

“Biwater have been a part of many ‘firsts’ across the region, and indeed across the world. This first is signficiant for Morocco, as it signals a shift towards heightened environmental awareness.

“The incorporation of trickling filters into the design process at the wastewater treatment works in Khenifra, will ensure that the effluent being discharged meets higher wastewater treatment quality standards, while also improving odour conditions in and around the plant,” said Giles Jackson, Regional Director for Africa, Biwater Internaltional Limited.

Prior to the adoption of trickling filters, facultative and maturation lagoons were used ahead of discharge of the effluent into the watercourse.

The treatment process at the Khenifra Wastewater Treatment Works from start to finish includes: Initial clarification of the influent by settling and sedimentation within Imhoff tanks, biological treatment via trickling filters and secondary settling, followed by drying beds for sludge dewatering.

“We are delighted that these works are complete, as they will benefit everyone in Khenifra for years to come. The treatment process being adhered to will ensure that ground water and surface water are free from contaminants,” said Naoum Abdellatif, Manager of South Sewage Division of Office National de l’Electricité et de l’Eau Potable – Branche Eau (ONEE).

The new wastewater treatment works will serve a population in excess of 150,000 in the city of Khenifra. Biwater will operate and maintain the plant for ONEE for two years.
End of construction_phase_lr

Equipment installation
Completion of equipment installation ahead of commissioning
Biwater provides large-scale water and wastewater solutions for clients across the world. Since its inception in 1968, Biwater has gained recognition for its innovative approaches aimed at overcoming the world’s most pressing water-related challenges. Throughout its history, the company has grown to meet the demands of many water-stressed countries and their burgeoning populations. It has a successful record of accomplishment, having completed over 25,000 projects in over 90 countries – financing, consulting, process engineering, designing, constructing, operating, maintaining and owning water facilities – in both rural and urban environments.

Biwater, through its Group and acquired companies, have been involved in over 300 water infrastructure and construction projects within the African continent over a period of 80 years, with the first regional project being recorded in Egypt in 1932. Since this time, Biwater have been bringing the benefits of water infrastructure solutions and project finance to countries right across Africa, gaining an unparalleled track record.


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