Himoinsa generator sets feature in water treatment plants in Egypt

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The objective of this project is to purify 150,000 m3 /day of urban wastewater, which is equivalent to that produced by 500,000 people and reuse the water for irrigation. The HIMOINSA generator sets activate the water purification system whenever a power cut occurs, something that happens quite frequently in this area”, according to Leopoldo Lainz, Asia Pacific Development Manager for Acciona Agua.

The largest plant, with a flow of 82,000 m cubic per day, is the ABNOUB-EL FATH plant where two open generator sets were installed, the HMW-1135 T5 and HTW-2030 T5 models, with MTU and MITSUBISHI motors respectively.

These two gensets, with outputs of 1200 kVA and 2250kVA, will allow supply to reach a population of over 300,000 people.

The sewage plants of Sodfa-El Ghanayem and El Ayat, which have similar characteristics, have been equipped with HTW-920 T5 generator sets which have a MITSUBISHI 1000 kVA motor. Both emergency gensets will help maintain activity at each of the plants that will supply more than 200,000 people in total. The plant in Abu Simbel, a leading tourist destination in Egypt, is equipped with a 400 kVA generator set, the HMW- 350 T5 model, with a MTU engine, as this is the smallest plant with a daily flow of 6000 m cubic and will supply 20,000 people.

“The generator sets provide power to start all the pumps that activate the operation of the water treatment plant when a failure is detected in the mains, otherwise the plant would be flooded as it would be unable to drive the water out” said the Asia Pacific Development Manager of Acciona Agua, a company that has been responsible for the design, procurement, operation and maintenance of the four plants, which are located in Abnoub-El Fath, Sodfa-El Ghanayem, El Ayat and Abu Simbel.

Following the agreement signed with the NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR POTABLE WATER AND SANITARY DRAINAGE (NOPWASD), a state-owned company under the Egyptian Ministry of Water and Housing, Acciona chose HIMOINSA to supply emergency power to the project, after analysing the proposals submitted by eight other companies specializing in power generation.

José Astigarraga Zabala, Manager of Astigarraga Energy (Asener), distributor for the Northern Zone of HIMOINSA España, says the project required the incorporation of supply tanks with automatic fuel transfer pumps.

“All the generator sets are designed to work in emergencies and have a AS5CEA7 control unit installed that offers high protection, both for the genset and the equipment and devices it supplies.”

Members of the National Organization for Potable Water and Sanitary Drainage of Egypt visited the HIMOINSA factory in Spain and attended technical performance testing of generator sets and witnessed additional quality checks, all obtaining satisfactory results.

Mahmond Abdalla, Big Engineer Shif of the Testing and Inspection Department at NOPWASD, confirmed that HIMOINSA is a quality company that has managed to adapt its product to the needs of the project. Meanwhile, Abdellatif Mohamed, General Manager of the Execution Department at NOPWASD evaluated his visit to the HIMOINSA headquarters positively, as it allowed him to learn about the product in detail, its technical specifications and the different stages which make up the company’s
production process.

The management team from Asener said that “this project is a joint collaboration with an important strategic ally, Acciona, which is one of the main Spanish corporations with a very definite and international standing and with a business model that focuses on numerous sectors with very attractive future prospects for growth.”

The origin of the project dates back to 2007 when Acciona Agua signed the agreement with the Egyptian authorities. This is one of the projects of the Spanish development aid fund, amounting to 17.1 million euros and has been funded by Spain under the Hispano-Egyptian Financial Protocol of 1998.

The company recently released new HG gas generator sets with efficient natural gas, LPG and biogas engines.

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