Home » Inyatsi Construction Group wins more projects in Sub-Sahara

Inyatsi Construction Group wins more projects in Sub-Sahara

Home » Inyatsi Construction Group wins more projects in Sub-Sahara

Two companies of Inyatsi Construction Group were recently awarded contracts to the value of a few billion rands to build and upgrade infrastructure in Zambia and Swaziland that will not only benefit local communities, but also the rest of Southern Africa.

Inyatsi Roads (Zambia) Ltd was recently awarded two contracts to upgrade and build two main roads in Zambia, which will improve access for investors in these areas that will ensure economic development for the communities that live there.

The company will upgrade and build the Chikankata Road and the Ndola–Mufulira Road.  The value of the Chikankata Road contract is R82.75 million and the Ndola-Mufulira Road contract is worth R1.2 billion.

Inyatsi Roads Zambia has completed various roads projects in the country over the past few years. These new contracts are part of the Link Zambia 8000 Road Project, the Accelerated National Roads Construction Programme, to construct an efficient road network and international highways linking Zambia to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Namibia.

The Zambian government embarked on this project to reduce road user costs and transit times across the country. The private sector was invited to undertake a large portion of the Link Zambia 8000 Road Project, a priority government project, to build 8000 km of high quality single and dual lane roads through the landlocked country.

“Zambia is the second largest copper producer in Africa and relies on its road network to ship the copper to buyers through its eight neighbouring countries. The country’s neighbours also rely on Zambian roads for a reliable and shorter route to African ports,” says Frans Pienaar, Chairman of Inyatsi Construction.

The Link Zambia 8000 Project is expected to make Zambia a transportation hub for Southern Africa because its location places it in the centre of Southern Africa. “With so much traffic passing through the country on the new roads, economic growth will be encouraged which will in turn benefit the communities in these areas,” Frans said.

Inyatsi Construction Ltd was also awarded the contract to build and upgrade the Ezulwini sewerage system to the value of more than R130 Million. The valley forms the hub of business in the country with many wildlife sanctuaries and hotels.

“This project will contribute to ensuring that investors have a sound foundation to build their business on. This will increase economic activity in the region that will I turn increase job opportunities,” says Frans.

Inyatsi Construction Ltd was first registered in Swaziland in 1982. In 2007, due to changes in shareholding, expansion into new markets, growth and diversification, Inyatsi Construction Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd (ICGH) was formed in 2007 as the holding company of Inyatsi and its regional subsidiaries.