Home » South Africa’s REIPP programme to Aid Infrastructure Development

South Africa’s REIPP programme to Aid Infrastructure Development

Home » South Africa’s REIPP programme to Aid Infrastructure Development

South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer (REIPP) programme will be of great assistance to the start of some of the major projects that the government has on its US $79.37bn infrastructure development plan, which is currently delayed.

This amount of money can only be effective if rapid measures are put in place to change the policy frameworks and legislation currently in the New Growth Path, the National Development Plan and Infrastructure Development Bill into workable projects ready for the market.

According to the CEO of Pretoria Portland Cement Ketso Gordhan, the projects can only be effective if the right policy framework and an acceptable regulatory framework, coupled with bankable projects irrespective of public or private sector funding, are put in place.

Gordhan also noted that if the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer programme is successful, then, it will be the most successful large scale procurement programme ever made between the private and public sector in South Africa. There are 66 renewable energy projects that have been banked in 24 months, at a value in excess of US $ 14.06 bn.

Some of the principles to be included in the REIPPP programme for its success include policy and regulatory assurance, a well structured bidding process, early engagement with stakeholders, and proper contracts.