Home » Infrastructure Business Development Mission to seek infrastructure opportunites in Egypt and Morocco

Infrastructure Business Development Mission to seek infrastructure opportunites in Egypt and Morocco

Home » Infrastructure Business Development Mission to seek infrastructure opportunites in Egypt and Morocco

An executive-led Infrastructure Business Development Mission is being organized by The US department of Commerce, International Trade Government to Egypt, Morocco and Jordan.

The US Infrastructure led mission that will be taking place from 3 to 11 December of this year aims at introducing U.S trade associations and firms to the three countries’ growing infrastructural markets and opening exporting opportunities to US in these markets.

The sectors the mission is targeting to improve are Tourism and Building construction, Marine and Ports Infrastructure, Water and Waste Treatment a, Energy Technologies, Equipment and Services and Transportation Infrastructure and Equipment.

North African countries’ governments are more and more aware that continuous expansion and upgrading of infrastructure is required to cater for the increasing need of infrastructure to its people. The yearly growth in infrastructure is expected to be between 5% and 7% in 2014.

The business development mission delegation will comprise of representatives from trade associations and American companies that offer infrastructure-related technologies, implementers, companies with energy efficient equipment and technology and project managers.

According to Morocco’s Infrastructure Report 2014, the industry is expecting a 2.56% growth and an average real industry growth of 6.8% per annum between 2014 and 2023 while Egypt is expected to grow by 4.6% in the fiscal year of 2014.