Wind turbines

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By Emmanuel Onsomu
The power of wind has been used to generate energy for ages.  However, it is only until fairly recently, that its full potential at delivering an energy source for the masses been realized.

Wind turbines are becoming more and more popular throughout the world, due to global warming and the need to generate a sustainable source of energy.

A report from industry consultants, AMI Consulting, published early this year, calculates that the global demand for materials in the production of wind turbine blades grew by over 20% per annum in the last five years.

The market for wind turbine blades has been one of the fastest growing of any composite application with strong growth in Europe, North America and more recently Asia.

Increasing effort is being invested in designing blades for maximum power generation and this requires careful attention to material composition, material processing and of course overall design. To maximise return on investment, the average blade size is getting longer and heavier requiring greater quantities of raw materials. As blade length and weight increase beyond current norms, increased sophistication in blade design, materials and manufacture are required.

Wind energy is a renewable energy that is incredibly diverse and is making a significant contribution to the fight against climate change.

Furthermore, wind energy is one of the most economic and rapid means of reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Wind turbines simply convert the kinetic energy from the wind into electricity using rotor blades to drive a generator located inside the turbine. Wind turbines come in various shapes and sizes and vary in power output from 100 watts to over 1 megawatts. There are two types of wind turbines, horizontal and vertical axis. These can consist of either 2 or three blades.

HAWTs (Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines)
The horizontal wind turbines typically have 3 blades attached to a horizontal axis and have a gearbox and a generator located at the top behind the rotor blades. These are the most common type of wind turbine. They are usually seen on large spaces of land in the country side or somewhere vulnerable to high winds, such as in the sea.

VAWTs (Vertical Axis Wind Turbines)
The less familiar vertical wind turbines come in different shapes and sizes and they typically have the gearbox and the generator located on the ground.

Wind turbines are generally more suitable for properties with extensive land area, e.g. on farms or rural locations, as this allows larger wind turbines to be installed, which have greater efficiencies. However in urban or small suburban homes small scale wind turbines with rotors less than 1m in diameter may be installed. Fixing of wind turbines should be undertaken by certified installers, and carried out with appropriate planning permissions and Building Control approval, both of which will demand exact standards be reached prior to completion; with focus on health and  safety and their visual impact.

Once up and running, wind turbines produce 100% zero pollution; they are one of the most environmentally friendly sources of energy available at present time. This means the local supplies of water, air, and soil are not contaminated with chemicals or other toxins. In contrast, coal fired power plants, nuclear power plants, and incineration power plants all produce some levels of air, soil, and water pollution.

Economic viability: In general, wind turbine farms can compete with other fossil fuel energies in terms of installed costs. They are also shielded from potential rises in conventional energy (natural gas, coal, and oil) prices that will inevitably make these energies too expensive for the construction industry. In fact, wind energy now costs between 4 and 6 cents per kilowatt-hour, making it one of the most economically viable renewable energy solutions.

Inexhaustible and renewable: The wind blows in every corner of the earth and can produce power in a variety of ways without generating greenhouse gas emissions and without fear of supplies running low. It is inexhaustible therefore entirely renewable.

Wind turbines have a low embodied energy, requiring minimal manufacturing, transport and installation costs, in comparison to other alternative energy forms such as solar panels and Combined Heat and Power (CHP).

Compared to solar energy, the wind can (depending on weather conditions) generate electricity constantly, 24 hours a day, throughout a windy night or on a cloudy day, which then can be stored for later use. Wind power is a worldwide recognized symbol of green energy, the use of which indicates the user is environmentally conscious.
Many alternative forms of wind turbines are available, which unlike decentralized power plants, can provide energy for construction companies. Wind turbines are available anywhere, allowing construction projects in rural remote areas, where there is no electricity or other sources of energy, to progress smoothly. This further encourages energy independence.

Additionally, Construction companies can make money by selling their excess electricity to local energy suppliers hence significantly reducing running costs.

Munster wind turbines
Munster wind turbines offer a high quality turbine called an Evance 9000, which is one of very few turbines that have passed the MCS accreditation in the UK. The Evance 9000 offers customers a trouble free turbine with a five-year warranty back up. It is a grid tie 5Kw turbine and suitable for exporting current to the grid. In Ireland you get 19c for the first 3000 units and 9 cent thereafter.

They also cater for the larger customer where we they do a site survey, wind analysis, and costing for 10 to 50 Kw output.

Munster wind turbines are confident that the Evance 9000 will perform as good as and better than most products available in this range and their turbines have survived in all wind conditions over the past 10 years. The turbine is the end result of many years of dedicated research and development, and is based on engineering experience of designing big wind turbines. The blade design captures maximum energy even at low wind speeds .There are two automatic &  independent over speed protection systems built in to the turbine combined with advanced blade design making this turbine quiet during operation.

This turbine is marketed all over Europe and the USA. The main factory is in Loughsborough, UK and sales agents are in place in all countries that the Evance is sold to.

According to Munster, The key considerations when purchasing a turbine are; The track record the turbine has in the area of breakdown, blade shedding etc, The independently accreditated Power production for the turbine. The word independently being the most important as many suppliers will talk up their products. Checking with an owner of the turbine would be the best way of gathering information, Check for warranty on all components in the plant such as inverters, rectifier etc.

Munster says there are so many challenges facing the construction industry, but the main problem is lack of funding to commence building projects. Few houses are being constructed, as there was a huge amount of houses built during the Celtic tiger and now some people are unable to pay back the mortgages. Retrofitting of Houses and buildings/schools seems to be the main work presently available for pricing so the challenges are most difficult for businesses involved in construction.

Munster further adds that, any product that will help to save energy should be given support from Governments. It is a pity to focus all the time on how to cut peoples income to save money when all around us there is wasting of money in the form of energy, inefficiency, overspending and bad planning. They sight an example of street lighting on a broad daylight. In most cases, the fault most likely is with a photocell that would cost little to fix. Unfortunately, this takes long than necessary leading to wastage of electricity.

Products such as photocells, oppucancy detectors should be retrofitted to lighting that is not needed during daylight hours. Timers should be fitted to heaters restricting their use as often times one forgets to switch off these appliances.

I-WEC wind turbines
Isivunguvungu Wind Energy Converter (Pty) Ltd. (I-WEC) is a South African manufacturer of 2.5 MW wind turbines. These turbines are double the size of the largest turbines currently in use in South Africa and measure about 130m in height from bottom to the tip of the blade. Each turbine has a tower measuring about 80m in height and three blades each about 50m long.

I-WEC was founded in 2009 in order to serve the local market with state-of-the-art wind energy converters. The engineering and the design are based on proven and certified technology provided by one of the leading engineering companies specializing in wind energy converters, Aerodyn Energiesysteme GmbH in Germany. The I-WEC wind turbines fully comply with International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards.

I-WEC is the first and only manufacturer of 2.5 MW wind turbines on the African continent. Their turbines are competitive and manufactured according to the latest international standards.  I-WEC customers can feel proud of the fact that I-WEC will be creating hundreds of direct and indirect jobs in South Africa over the next four years, also because I-WEC’s turbines are creating many opportunities for other South African companies along the value chain.

As a local manufacturer of quality multi-megawatt turbines, Isivunguvungu Wind Energy Converter (Pty) Ltd focuses mainly on the African market. However, I-WEC can take orders from anywhere in the world.

I-WEC acquired the licenses as well as the technology transfer agreements from Aerodyn to manufacture 2.5 MW wind turbines and rotor blades. I-WEC now sets up a complete operation, including blade production, assembly shops, as well as erection, operating, service and maintenance facilities and hopes to become a fully operating wind energy converter manufacturer in South Africa before the second half of this year.

One of the crucial components for the wind turbines are the rotor blades. The blades will be manufactured initially in the Table Bay Harbour. Later, after a new workshop has been constructed in Saldanha Bay on the West Coast, the operation will be relocated there due to the favorable infrastructure and conditions in the area. Series production starts early 2013.

On key considerations when selecting wind turbines, I-WEC says: The turbine to purchase must fit the needs for size, wind resource, availability, reliability, warranty, spare parts availability, and proximity of operation and maintenance teams.

In general, wind projects are modular energy facilities and can consist from one to one hundred turbines or more. The overall size of a wind project is a function of many variables, including the amount of land available, the number of investors and size of each investor’s contribution, the financing available to the project, the ability of the transmission or distribution grid to handle the additional energy from the project without substantial system upgrades, and the number of turbines available to the project.

Often one or several of these factors combined will determine the size of the project. The determination of project size and turbine size should be based on the options that will provide the best economic return for investors and the practicality of acquiring equipment and maintaining it.

The main challenge facing I-WEC is that, as a manufacturer, they are not directly involved in the construction industry.

Eco Whisper Turbines
Eco Whisper Turbines is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Renewable Energy Solutions Australia Holdings Ltd. (RESA) – a developer, manufacturer, installer and operator of renewable energy solutions. A member of the Clean Energy Council, RESA is recognized for its commitment to sustainable development, quality and innovation.

Eco Whisper Turbines currently offers the Eco Whisper Turbine 20kw (EWT 20) and is about to begin manufacturing a smaller 5kw Eco Whisper turbine.

Key Features
Eco whisper Turbine 20kw features; Silent, sustainable, superior wind technology, 6.5m blade diameter ~ 21.1m height, 20kW rated silent wind turbine, 30 blades extending outwards from a centre hub, Dynamic slew drive eliminates requirement for tail, Solid structure maximizing visibility of turbine to birdlife, Switched reluctance generator and reactive inverter, Hinged pole design and three patents pending.

The wind turbine hub and blades are made of aluminium so they won’t rust. The hinged pole is made of steel, It can withstand wind speeds up to 220km/hr and if placed at a good site, it can generate up to 45,000+ KwH per annum.

The turbine is designed and manufactured according to Australian Building Codes AS1170 and International Standard IEC 61400 for wind turbines. It is designed for a 25+ year lifespan. A five year warranty is provided on the inverter.

Eco Whisper Turbines come with great advantages; No ‘turn away losses’, Collects wind more efficiently, Generator and inverter deliver more energy, Lower start up speed compared to competitors, Virtually silent operation in various wind speeds, Most noise from small wind turbines occurs when air spills off the tip of the blades. The Eco Whisper Turbine cowl/ring prevents air from spilling off the blades.

It has an Aesthetic appeal and uniquely designed, Hinged pole design, High efficiency generator and inverter, highly efficient in low winds and produces virtually no noise, Cost-effective transportation in standard size container, Small environmental footprint, Easy to erect with minimal skilled labour or resources and they can be lowered for maintenance or during extreme weather events.

Depending on the wind assets at your site, the turbine can power – on average – three homes or a small factory.

Eco Whisper Turbines are currently offered in Australia only. However, they will be entering International markets in the next one and half years.

According to Eco whisper turbines, there are many key considerations when selecting wind turbines. Even so, the utmost importance is; understanding clearly what the customer is trying to achieve as this is crucial at the start of any project.

Other important points to consider are; Site location, Type of turbine, Size of turbine versus output requirements, Planning considerations, Grid connection requirements (if applicable) and Return on Investment and payback period.

Eco whisper turbines further says; having a good understanding of your site’s wind resources is the key to getting the most out of your turbine. For this reason, they will commission independent analysis on your behalf, to accurately determine wind asset levels, planning requirements, grid connection and the best location for the turbine.

Composition and operation
The Eco whisper Wind Turbine (EWT) is built from a number of inter-dependant systems.

The Blade Array
The Blade Array interacts with the wind and its performance determines the overall performance of the whole EWT system.

The EWT Blade Array consists of 30 forward swept heavily cambered blades joined by circumferential cowls at the blade tip and midway along the blade length. The roots of the blades are faired smoothly into a large diameter conical nose fairing. This combination of features reflects key aspects of the Eco whisper design philosophy, namely, maximum power production efficiency in very light winds and minimum noise at all wind speeds.

A fundamental feature of wind powered devices is that they can only produce power in proportion to the wind that is actually blowing through them at any point in time. Wind speeds are random but they generally conform to the Rayleigh probability distribution.

The most common wind speed is approximately 4 m/s (14.4 km/h) which is a very gentle breeze. The reality is that for most of its operational life, a wind turbine will only have light winds to extract power from. The ability to extract power in light winds is strongly influenced by solidity which is a measure of how “solid” the set of blades appears to the wind flowing through them. High solidity turbines capture more power in light winds than low solidity turbines1. The EWT Blade Array has high solidity (approximately 60%) as compared to typical 3 bladed wind turbines which have low solidity (5 to 7%). Consequently, the EWT will have a lower starting speed as it is able to effectively harness low wind speeds.

Having a large number of blades has also been shown to reduce noise as each blade produces a smaller fraction of the total power of the turbine. The power produced by an individual blade is referred to as its power loading. Lower power loading means that the wind is doing less work on each blade. 30 blades producing the same total power as 3 blades will be quieter.

The Blade Array has a full circumferential tip cowl. This cowl manages the merger of the high and low pressure air flows that travel outward along the front and rear of the blade. Controlling these flows means less lost power at the tip and less noise.

Aside from its aerodynamic function, the cowl is a structural item. This means that the blades are mutually supported at the tip rather than being cantilevered as is common in conventional wind turbines. This means less noise inducing vibration and better fatigue life. A mid-span cowl is also used to manage flow direction and provide additional stiffness to the overall Blade Array.

The blades are swept forward to suit the large diameter conical nose fairing. This arrangement of blades and fairing, acts to raise the pressure on the upstream face of the blades. All wind turbines extract power as a consequence of the difference between the air pressure on the upstream face of the blade and the air pressure on the downstream face of the blade.

The higher this difference is, the more power is produced. Air that approaches the hub of the EWT Blade Array is diverted smoothly outward so that it flows through the blades. The pressure difference increase across the blades as a result of this concentration effect is in addition to the pressure difference generated in conventional wind turbines. The pressure differential is further increased by turbulence generated at the sharp trailing edges of the tip, mid-span and root cowls which reduces the air pressure behind the blades.

Wind tunnel and prototype EWT Blade Arrays used simple semi-circular section blades rolled from flat sheet. Despite this aerodynamic limitation, Coefficients of Performance2 in excess of 0.4 were achieved over a wide wind speed range when these simply bladed prototypes were physically tested3&4.

The introduction of extruded hollow aerofoil section aluminium blades is expected to significantly improve the already very good performance of the EWT. Extruded blades are also more appropriate in a production context as they are: More cost effective (near zero labour); inherently of more consistent and higher quality and Stiffer as a result of greater and more efficient cross sectional area. Increased stiffness means even lower levels of deflection and vibration.

Conventional 3 bladed wind turbines have Cp that varies between 0.1 and an absolute peak of about 0.48. A key competitive advantage of the EWT design is that Cp is maintained at near peak levels over a broad speed range. The EWT maintains Cp by managing the shaft speed of the turbine. Maximum Cp at any instant corresponds with maximum power.

A Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm is implemented in the EWT Generator Controller. All wind turbines use some form of MPPT. The effectiveness of MPPT systems is widely variable. Aside from the details of the software and electronic implementations, the mechanical inertia of the rotating components and the ability of the Inverter or Controller to handle power and voltage spikes will dictate MPPT effectiveness.

The EWT has high mechanical inertia; there are 30 blades and several cowls rotating as opposed to 3 cantilevered blades in a typical wind turbine. This high inertia serves to damp gust responses and helps the turbine run a speeds representative of the underlying wind speed. Turbine speed changes are smooth and consequently the Controller see less power and voltage spikes.

The EWT Generator Controller uses a fuzzy logic type of MPPT rather than the more common and cruder look up table type. Operating the Blade Array at maximum practical Cp at all times is key to achieving 20 to 30% better energy harvest at common wind speeds.
The blades are bolted to the hub to enable the Blade Array to be broken down for packing in a standard shipping container.

The EWT uses a direct drive Switched Reluctance Generator (SRG) that is integrated into the hub of the Blade Array. SRGs have been recognized as very suited to use in wind turbines since the 1990s. The advantages listed then are just as applicable now; low cost, high efficiency; good control and intrinsically good response. Direct drive SRGs are particularly suited to medium sized wind turbines8.

A further advantage is that they do not use high performance Rare Earth based Permanent Magnets (PM) – there are no magnets at all in an SRG. The supply situation with respect to Rare Earths is well documented. Rare Earth PMs are experiencing extreme price escalation and volatility to the extent that quotations from suppliers of such magnets are only valid for 3 days. Aside from cost and security of supply issues, there are significant environmental, safety and durability risks associated with high performance PMs. Rare Earth production results in significant quantities of radioactive waste9.

It is at odds with the green, renewable image of wind power to use a component that irreversibly pollutes the environment to such an extent in its manufacture. High performance PMs have safety risks, particularly when assembled in the quantities required for multiple kilowatt class generators. The field strength is so high that assembly of such a PM Generator carries real risk of having a finger amputated and there are additional risks with respect to Pacemakers and Cochleal implants etc. PMs are also known to gradually lose strength, corrode with time and are not recyclable.

SRGs are simple devices manufactured from iron, copper and aluminium. They can achieve efficiencies as high as the best PM generators and they can do so over a broader speed/load range.

The EWT SRG is direct drive and integrated structurally into the Blade Array hub. Direct drive means that there are no gears or belts and their associated power loss and reliability compromises. The EWT SRG has a very pole count and is an axial gap, short flux path, 4 phase external rotor type. It uses Controller managed staged pole groups to boost efficiency at low load.

The EWT SRG Controller will be developed by Surtek and features internal staging to minimize part load parasitic losses. Surtek will also develop the EWT Grid Tie Inverter and overall system efficiency will benefit by close integration of the Generator, Generator Controller and Inverter.

The SRG Controller uses its MPPT system to constantly explore around the instantaneous operating point to ensure that the turbine is delivering the maximum power available without exceeding the upper and lower tip speed bounds that are associated with maximum Cp.

Once full rated power is achieved, the Slew Control System (SCS) intervenes and drives the turbine of the wind to limit turbine speed and power to the rated limits.

The SRG Controller MPPT and the SCS work together to maximize power regardless of wind speed. A joint general efficiency in excess of 90% is expected of the SRG and SRG Controller with peak efficiency above 97%.

The SRG Controller has on-board data logging and is remotely programmable.

Slew Control System
The EWT has an active Slew Control System (SCS) that senses wind direction and slews the turbine to face directly into it. The SCS uses a commercial off the shelf ultrasonic sensor10 that measures wind speed and direction. This information goes to the EWT SCS which is a custom designed digital signal processor based device.

The SCS also receives a turbine shaft speed signal from the SRG Controller and is programmed to slew the turbine progressively off the wind once the maximum permitted shaft speed is approached. The SCS also has a number of manual overrides to enable the turbine to be incrementally slewed if required for maintenance and to enable selection of a dynamic park position. Dynamic Park feature uses the wind direction sensor information to keep the turbine slewed off the wind.

The SCS physically interfaces to the Pole and the Turbine Head Assembly via a worm geared Slew Drive with integrated bearing assembly. The Slew Drive is an off the shelf commercial item. It is supplied complete with a brushless low voltage drive motor which is controlled by the SCS.

The SCS is critical to the operation of the EWT and it has multiple sources of power to ensure that it is always able to control the Slew Drive as required. The SCS is powered by either a single or 3 phase grid connection, directly from the turbine SRG, from a low voltage bus supported by the SRG Controller or by a battery back-up system.

The SCS has on-board data logging and is remotely programmable

The EWT Inverter is a four quadrant device that is designed for 3 phase grid connection. The Inverter can source or sink real power while at the same time sourcing or sinking reactive power. The Inverter is a development of a similar device that Surtek has successfully prototyped and field trialled.

The total kVA rating of the Inverter is 5/10 kVA, with a two second surge rating to over 20 kVA. The output is the algebraic sum of the real (in phase) and the reactive power. This is an important and unique feature as it allows the unit to control the voltage at its point of connection. Unlike the commonly used current controlled inverters, it will not cause a rise in network voltage.

In fact, the EWT Inverter acts to support the local grid in the face of fluctuations caused by the connection of other distributed sources via lessor inverters (solar arrays, other wind turbines) and ensures that it is able to stay connected to the maximum practical extent.

The EWT Inverter adjusts its phase relative to the network phase to provide the small amount of power required to keep it working and to make up losses, and then adjusts its output voltage to compensate for the error in the network voltage. The Inverter will be developed by Surtek and features internal staging to minimize part load parasitic losses. It also has on-board data logging and is remotely programmable.

The Inverter will have peak efficiency in excess of 98% and a broad general efficiency in excess of 90%.

The EWT is mounted to a steel hinged 2 part pole. This enables an 18m pole to be containerized in a standard 12m shipping container and allows the pole to be safely raised and lowered with reasonable sized cranes. The lower section is bolted to the foundation and once the upper section has been raised, it is bolted to the lower section.

An electrical junction box is located inside the lower section and accessed via a removable cover. This enables the turbine system to fully pre-wired and tested prior to packing and shipping.

The foundations for the EWT are site specific and depend on soil types. The default foundation is a monolithic concrete slab with a cast in bolt nest and cast in cable ducts.
Eco whisper turbines says; Cost of labor and cost of manufacturing  are the main challenges facing the construction industry.

Aeolos Wind Turbines
Presently, Aeolos products include horizontal axis wind turbines from 500w to 50kw and vertical axis wind turbines from 300w to 10kw. They are widely used at homes, farms, villages, schools and small wind farms. Aeolos Wind turbines come with a wide range of benefits .They are Reliable & Safe. Aeolos chooses the best components like ABB, Omron, SKF in their design, some of them are only used for MW wind turbines. The triple safety design protects the wind turbines in over speed, over voltage, grid failure and other faults. Aeolos wind turbines offers competitive price through their global sourcing and low assemble cost. They try to provide more reliable wind turbine system with lower cost.

Aeolos wind turbines have more efficiency. Generator efficiency: >0.96. PLC control system will keep the max annual output in the same average wind speed. This will reduce your investment return time about 3-5 years.

They offer 5 years standard warranty with full support provided directly by Aeolos engineer team or the nearest dealer.

The main market for Aeolos wind generators is US, Canada, UK, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Germany, France, Netherlands, Australia, Argentina, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, Mozambique and more than 60 countries and regions. They are committed to provide more efficient and reliable wind power system to the world.

Aeolos says; when planning to purchase a wind turbine, key issues like; Your annual energy consumption in Kwh, The Annual average wind speed in your area, Any restrictions in your area for wind turbines and How do find the wind speed in your area must be considered.

World Wide Wind Turbines
World Wide Wind Turbines (WWWT) from The Netherlands offers different sizes of wind turbines. They have many years of operational experience in African countries and this puts them in a position to know which wind turbines suits where. They have wind turbines that have been proven to work best and survive in all climates, from arctic to desert and tropical. Some of these new wind turbines include the A27-225KW Wind turbines.

They have unrivaled record in the wind power industry of over twenty years. Their 55KW wind turbine version has a proven record from the eighties of working and functioning well all over the world. This is both in combination with Solar PV or Diesel applications.

WWWT carefully selects a wind turbine type that best suits your local circumstances. Their services focus not only on the best wind turbines in terms of quality and price but also on availability and customer support. If need be WWWT organizes training of and support for their customers. With their wind turbines, you have full guarantee of long term sustainability. WWWT has long term focus on small and large scale wind energy in Africa.

WWWT believes that their combined wind-diesel applications can come in handy in remote villages where diesel is very expensive. The key considerations when selecting wind turbines, WWWT says: average yearly wind speed at the planned site and the feasibility study are very important. As their name suggests, they sell their wind turbines world wide.

Urban Green Energy
According to urban green energy (UGE), a company in USA there is renewable energy solutions for the construction industry. Solutions designed to put the user in control of their energy and harvest the benefits of onsite renewable energy. Wind turbines known for both their versatility and their beauty can be integrated into buildings desiring wind power, and are often paired with solar power to maximize renewable energy production for the site.

In addition to the development of integrated energy systems, hybrid wind for solar streetlamps and EV charging station powered by renewable energy are inmarket.UGE has provided its solutions in over 60 countries, ranging from residential and commercial installations to telecom towers. The company describes its core values as “Be Green, Be Great, and Have Fun.” Working together, we can build a greener future.

ALIZEO group
ALIZEO group produces turbines developed for direct drive synchronous machines. The electrical generators have three specificities: reliability (by avoiding gearbox), quality of produced current (compared to asynchronous turbines) and compactness. By their technology, direct drive synchronous generators rotate at the same speed as the blades. Therefore, there is no need for a gearbox (whose role is to synchronize blade rotation with the generator rotation).

Based on the other type of technology, asynchronous wind generators have a major weakness in their gearbox, because they can break down requiring regular maintenance and are relatively noisy. Wind turbines have defined three innovations which are premiums in the world: 1st wind turbine to use a low depth concrete foundation (2 meters) that is fully dismountable in end of using (Patented and a nice ecological approach) 1st wind turbine in the world using a counterweight, hydraulic controlled balanced system (Patented) that are by simply pressing on a button in less than an hour. 1st tiltable wind turbine to use asynchronous generator having a direct drive (top of technology)

For many people, especially in the developing world, electricity has become a luxury.  Most people can hardly access it, and if they do, they are not able to pay the costly bills. Most nations seem to have a huge deficit in power generation sources. The demand is too high and the cost of production has been skyrocketing on a daily basis.

To counter this, the year 2012 has seen great strides towards `going green’ in energy production and firms have come out to promote new and better equipment that try to harness the greatest returns from this renewable resource.

It is obvious that with the many benefits of wind, it is a highly valuable investment for individuals, communities, and countries. Governments need to come in and support companies that are dedicated to provide quality wind turbines.

Contact: Gerard Slattery
Company: Munster Wind turbines
Email: [email protected]

Contact: Michael Le Messurier
Company: Eco whisper Turbines
Email: [email protected]

Contact: Chris Smiley
Company: Aeolos Wind Turbines
Email: [email protected]

Contact: John Nash
Email: [email protected]

Contact: Karen Breytenbach
Company: Isivunguvungu Wind Energy Converter (Pty) Ltd
Email: [email protected]

Contact: Menno Arendz
Company: World Wide Wind Turbines
Email: [email protected]

Contact: Ann Amarga
Company: Urban Green Energy
Email: [email protected]

Contact: David Raine
Company:  Dyocore
Email: [email protected]

Contact: Richard LAVAUR
Company: Group Alizeo
Email: [email protected]

Contact: Jenny
Company: Senwei wind power
Email: [email protected]

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