10 safety tips when handling hand and power tools

Home ยป Knowledge ยป safety and security ยป 10 safety tips when handling hand and power tools

Where would we be without our tools and gadgets? Regardless of the type of project, hand and power tools are routine in any construction work zone. They are also frequently disregarded as safety hazards. Hand tools and power tools present a host of potential hazards such as flying objects, electrical shock, falling objects, punctures and lacerations. Here are 10 quick and easy tips for safely working with hand and power tools.

  1. INSPECT YOUR TOOLS.Never issue or use a damaged or defective hand or power tool. Always make sure they are in good working order before and after each use.
  2. PICK THE RIGHT TOOL.Make sure you are using the correct tool for the task at hand. This also means using the right sized bits, blades and accessories on your power tools.
  3. WEAR YOUR PPE. Issue personal protective equipment to your employees and make sure they wear them properly. This comprises of items like safety goggles, hard hats, etc.
  4. DONโ€™T ALTER YOUR TOOLS.Never remove guards or disable safety devices on power tools. Donโ€™t paint or cover up your tools as this could prevent you from noticing chips or cracks.
  5. HANDLE WITH CARE. Tools are not toys. Never throw or toss a tool in the direction of or directly to a coworker. Never use electrical cords to lower or lift a tool to get it to a workspace.
  6. KEEP YOUR DISTANCE.When working with hand and power tools be sure you have enough room to safely operate without coming into contact with other objects or coworkers.https://constructionreviewonline.com/machinery-equipment/essential-tools-for-home-renovation-a-guide-to-successful-diy-projects/
  7. PICK UP AFTER YOURSELF. Donโ€™t leave idle hand tools lying around the job site. They can lead to tripping or be accidentally knocking on someoneโ€™s head.
  8. UNPLUG AND DISCONNECT. Donโ€™t leave electric power tools plugged in when not in use, when making adjustments such as replacing blades and bits, or loading fasteners.
  9. KEEP YOUR WORKSPACE CLEAN.A cluttered floor can lead to accidental trips or falls which can be extremely dangerous when working with hand and power tools.
  10. GET TRAINED UP.Make sure you and your employees are thoroughly trained on the proper use of hand and power tools required for the task at hand..

33 thoughts on “10 safety tips when handling hand and power tools”

  1. This is a very helpful guide for Industry workers. We, at RP Comtrade, are a part of the Welding Industry. We manufacture, distribute, export, and import leather welding gloves.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing these useful safety tips. As a construction worker, I always encourage my co-workers to wear safety gears while working.

  3. Thank you for sharing this article that you should not regulate your tools. Making this positive activity you should have got the nice equipment looks as if it would be essential. Hopefully, everybody desiring this type of device looks into getting the fine designed one feasible.

  4. Thank you for sharing this article with us, which you shouldnโ€™t change your equipment. Making sure you have the quality tools looks like it would be critical. Hopefully, all people desiring this kind of device that seems it into getting the first-rate designed one viable.
    Thanks for sharing this article to us

  5. You have shared very nice points!
    In my opinion, All hand and force apparatuses accompany guidance manuals, and these exist for valid justifications. Indeed, even a brief moment of ill-advised activity can cause a perilous physical issue. Besides, perusing the manual altogether is non-debatable.

  6. It made sense when you said that tools should be handled with care and should never be thrown to a coworker. Additionally, it’s important to make sure your tools are stored safely instead of just tossing them into a drawer where they can get jumbled around. You can even look into getting a custom foam insert to keep your tools as stationary as possible while they’re in their cases.

  7. Never issue or use a damaged or defective hand or power tool. Excellent writing! We can take away a lot of important information from this article. Keep sharing great posts.

  8. Thanks for your great resource. Such a helpful post you share helps me more and choose the perfect tools for my home mini task complete. By following your website a great safety ensure to using these tools.

    Marilyn J Soto

  9. That’s really nice post. I appreciate your skills. Thanks for sharing.

  10. You make an interesting point that although we are just using power tools, I do agree that it is important to be wearing the proper attire for safety reasons. The other day I noticed my brother was working with power tools without the work safety equipment. I will remind him about that so he can prevent injuries.

  11. I love how you pointed out that you should never alter your tools because they can become dangerous if you do so. My wife and I want to build our new home, and our grandkids have asked if they can help us out. Because we want to keep them safe at all costs, we’ll be sure to find power equipment with the guards still in place!

  12. Its is really cool blog i found on internet today love to read these kind of blog that has lot of information here i deeply found the right information about handling the hands and power tool. i am not a professional handyman but using tools an handle them is my passion i love using the tools but here i got the the right information here about the tools that i needy from last many years. Thanks guys for a sharing such a great information and ideas to helping the handymen to maintaining their tools kit.

  13. Well, handling these tools and this equipmentโ€™s and be sure to read the user manual of using this power equipmentโ€™s or to avoid any serious injury.

  14. I like that you mentioned that it is important to pick the right tool for the job including all of the smaller accessories to the tool. I can imagine that tools can get even bigger than the simple handheld ones and are basically machines. I’d be interested in learning how companies maintain and use these large tools and equipment.

  15. Hey Dennis,
    what’s up man? Thanks for writing an amazing article . I love the 8th tip which is about unplug and disconnect , the reason I like this tip that it is a very important thing for safety purpose . This tip is especially for kids I think , also this thing helps to reduce your electricity bill . Again thanks for writing .

  16. These tips are excellent. I have a lot of power tools since I have been doing some fixing over my house. I have seen professional use these tool with ease but when you are a newbie you really need all the protection you can get and always be careful.

  17. Thanks for pointing out that utmost care is needed when handling these tools. As you mentioned, they are not toys, so they should never be used as a joke towards anyone. I will keep that in mind and also share it with my brother. This is because we will be buying some for our garage since we will create stuff for fun, and we might be too playful since we are really close. This will assure our safety.

  18. I really appreciate your tip to keep your distance from your power tools when they are in use so you can stay safe. My wife and I have been thinking of getting some power tools to help us make a back patio, and we want to make sure that we are safe. If I use power tools, I will be sure to keep my distance.

  19. Such an informative article you had shared. All the information you had perfectly given here. By reading this, I got clear about all the power tools. Those are very essential and also beneficial. Your tips will help to be safe while using those tools. Thanks for sharing this. Keep posting this type of helpful articles. ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Thank you for pointing out that you shouldn’t alter your tools. Making sure you have the best tools seems like it would be important. Hopefully, anyone needing this type of tool looks into getting the best designed one possible.

  21. Since you said that the road to construction worker safety is to avoid throwing tools directly in the direction of a coworker, I thought that another way to keep them safe is to devise a safer site layout. For example, for a skyscraper construction project, I would find a mobile ramp system manufacturer to help with the design. Doing this will help make the rest of the site more accessible while keeping in mind their safety at the same time.

  22. A friend of mine recently applied for a construction job, so he’ll likely be using a lot of these tools. I like your point about always inspecting your tools before and after each use. I’ll definitely suggest this to him so he never makes a costly mistake.

  23. Hello Dennis,
    Thanks for your great resource. Such an informative post you share it help me more and choose the perfect tools for my home mini task complete. By following your website a great safety ensure to using these tools.

  24. It is cool that you mentioned to never throw or toss a tool to get it to a coworker and to use electrical cords to lower or lift one. If I were an operations manager of a factory, I would install skids to certain tools. Not only will it assure a safe place for the tool to be stored in but also ease the process of handing down from employee to employee.

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