Malawi have been granted a loan of US. $70 Million to a border post between Malawi and Zambia (between the town of Mwame Zambia and Mchinji), in a bid to improve its trade with Southern Africa Developing Countries (SADC) and reduce wastage of time on borders.
The loan, which was granted by the African Development Fund (ADF) will see the post’s construction kick off immediately.
According to Malawi’s AFD representative Andrew Mwawa the construction of the border post can start off anytime now that the loan is cleared.
“The money is ready and we have just cleared the loan the project for construction of one boarder post between Malawi and Zambia can start anytime” said Mwawa.
The post will be so beneficial to business community in the southern part of Africa for they have been for long pleaded for the introduction of new technology to help in clearance on the border that will see them avoid loss of time and resources.
The government of Malawi is currently also under the ministry of Trade planning to construct a border that will promote trade between it and Mozambique. The news for construction of the border post at Mozambique border was revealed by the Minister Mr. Joseph Mwananveka.
“Shortly we are to build one border post like the one to be built with Zambia in our boarders with Mozambique, talking of Mwanza.” He said. Zimbabwe has also announced an intention to reconstruct the Beitbridge border post to international standards, since delays and inefficiencies were being experienced.