Benin is set to commence on its power generation scheme following a a four year contract awarded by the Millennium Challenge Account-Benin II (MCA-Benin II) to Jacobs Engineering SA (JESA) on a project that will increase Benin’s power generation capacity and modernize its energy infrastructure.
The power generation scheme involves implementation of the Benin Power Compact, which will strengthen the electricity infrastructure of the country upon completion in 2022 .This includes engineering, as well as project and construction management, for four photovoltaic solar power plants, new transmission lines, new substations and a dispatch centre.
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Power output capacity
Benin produces only a portion of the electricity it consumes and relies heavily on imports from neighboring countries. Only one-third of Benin’s population has access to electricity, and total consumption is low due to limited access and availability.
At the same time, rapidly growing demand for power has stressed Benin’s national electrical grid, creating power outages that hurt businesses and social service provision
JESA will be working closely various ministries and government agencies and the Beninese Company of Electrical Energy (SBEE), to improve infrastructure reliability and meet future growth needs of the nation. They intend to increase the country’s total installed power capacity by almost 46MW through leveraging political reform and institutional strengthening in the region to prioritize power generation, power distribution and access to off-grid electricity.
The 46MW increase represents 20% of current demand for the country during peak periods, which will reduce dependence on external supply sources.