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Uganda to receive US $69m fund for water projects

Home » water & sanitation » Uganda to receive US $69m fund for water projects

Uganda is set to receive a whooping US $69m from the African Development Bank (AfDb)to finance the Kakooge water supply and Migyera plant projects in the country.

Norbert Nkuggwa, the district deputy chief administrative officer confirmed the reports and said AfDb approved a concessional loan of US $62.33 m out of the US $69.34m project to  finance Uganda’s Strategic Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Project (STWSSP).

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Uganda’s 2030 water and sanitation plan

According to the deputy chief administrative the water projects which is aimed at promoting hygienic use of water and sanitation facilities was designed to achieve the government’s sustainable provision of safe water and sanitation for the urban population by 2030 plan.

Kakooge water supply and sanitation system is set to have three production wells with a 384,000litres per day capacity. The facility has 451 connections serving Kibwa, Kyabutayika, Kakooge central and Kirohoza villages, a combined population of  8,874. The system has a distribution network of 24Km, three pump houses and an office block.

4 year funding

Migyera plan has three water tanks as well with a capacity of 18,000 litres per day. The facility has 360 connections and serving Kityekyamboga,Dembe, Posta, MigyeraKyakala, Kalukonge, Kyangogoro and Mayanja, a combined total of 11,000 residents. The plant has a 100,000 litre reservoir tank with network of pipes and a fully furnished office block.

Furthermore,the government of Uganda also secured a 4 year funding where upon successful completion, the AfDB is will fund the Water Supply and Sanitation Programme(WSSP) II, that will be completed in the 2020/21 financial year.

Mr Norbert Nkuggwa said that 75 more water sources will be constructed and water user committees will maintain them. An additional US $6.9m will be contributed by the government for the projects.