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Tanzanite/New Selander Sea-crossing Bridge project in Tanzania

Home » Transport » Tanzanite/New Selander Sea-crossing Bridge project in Tanzania

The New Selander Sea-crossing also known as the Tanzanite Bridge in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, runs across the city’s Oyster Bay connecting the central business district with the tourist destination of Coco Beach.

The 670-meter high and 1.03 kilo­meters-long, ultra-modern bridge was built by South Korea’s GS engi­neering between 2018 and march 2022 at a cost of $120m. The project was jointly funded by the Tan­zania government and the govern­ment of South Korea.

The cable-stayed Tanzanite bridge has five towers with the deck carrying four lanes featuring pedestrian walkways on either side. According to GS, the bridge utilizes a mixed box girder and cable-stayed approach. This the company explained makes the bridge lighter and more affordable than a conventional design.

Reported On Sep 03, 2015

Tanzania to construct flyover at Selander bridge

The Tanzanian government will construct a flyover at Selander Bridge in Dar es Salaam after the country signed a 91.032 million US dollar deal with South Korean-based Exim Bank that will also involve the construction of a seven-kilometer road to connect the central business district region and Msasani area.

Ms. Saada Mkuya Salum the Minister for Finance, said that the project is to start in the next six months. It will involve widening the existing road from two to four lanes.

During the signing of the loan agreement with the Exim bank Executive Director, Mr. Seong-hyeog Yim. The minister for Finance Ms. Salum said, with a length of 1.03 km crossing the Indian Ocean the new Selander Bridge will alleviate the chronic traffic jam along the Ali Hassan Mwinyi road. She added that the successful implementation of the two-year project will promote development and that the new Selander Bridge will also be another tourist attraction.

The new Selander Bridge will indeed become one of the major tourist attractions in Tanzania. This is because such features attract tourists from different places. This will improve the Tanzanian economy because of the foreign exchange they will get for the tourists.

Ms. Saada Mkuya Salum said that eighty-Three percent of the total cost of the project will be provided as a concessional loan from Korean Exim Bank and Seventeen percent will be chipped in by the government of Tanzania,

Ms. Salum said Korea had financed a number of projects in the country and that the value of the ongoing and completed projects financed by the country stands at 363,980,883 million US dollars

Mr. Yim said that it is not the first time Korea to expand concessional loans to Tanzania. This shows the good relationship that exists between the two countries, On his part, the contract signing demonstrates good relations between Tanzania and Korea adding that the new bridge will improve economic activities in the city.

Reported On July 27, 2018

Tanzania to commence construction of the new Selander Bridge in Dar es Salaam

Tanzania is set to begin construction of the 6.2 km Selander bridge in Dar es Salaam following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Tanzania and South Korea.

The MOU which was signed in the presence of President John Magufuli and the visiting South Korean Premier, Mr. Lee Nak-yeon, will see the construction costs of the bridge at US $126.26m and is expected to be completed by 2021.

The new edifice will run from Selander bridge and along the Indian Ocean beachfront in the city. The 180-tonnage capacity bridge will ferry 55,000 vehicles per day and is expected to greatly reduce congestion along the overwhelmed independence-time Selander bridge.

Also read: The government of Tanzania constructs Mbaka and Lufilo bridges

Tanzania National Roads Agency (Tanroad) chief executive officer Patrick Mfugale said South Korea will cover 82.9% of the cost while Tanzania will fund the remainder.

Project link

Tanzania National Roads Agency (Tanroad) chief executive officer Patrick Mfugale said South Korea will cover 82.9% of the cost while Tanzania will fund the remainder. Mfugale said the bypass will connect Aga-Khan Obama drive and Coko Beach at the junctions of Kenyatta and Toure roads.

President Magufuli urged the contractor to speed up work. “With the advanced technology that Korea has, I don’t expect the contractor to delay in completing the project.,” noted the Head of State.

Moreover, the President said he had requested South Korea through Exim Bank to help Tanzania with a soft loan for the construction of the Mwanza-based 3 km Kigongo-Busisi Bridge.

“The Good news is that he has promised to convey my request to his President,” said Dr Magufuli.

Jun 2020

Construction of Selander Bridge in Tanzania over 40% percent complete

The ongoing construction of the US$ 112.8 M Selander Bridge project in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania is reportedly over 40% percent complete.

This was revealed by Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) Chief Executive Officer Eng. Patrick Mfugale when Eng. Isack Kamwelwe the country’s Minister for Works, Transport, and Communication visited the site to inspect the work.

Challenges that the project has faced  

According to Eng. Mfugale, the project which broke grounds in 2018, would be far much complete was it not for some minor challenges such as the presence of under-water cavities which have so far been resolved and all under-water works completed.

The major challenge is the rise of the Covid-19 pandemic which has led to the suspension of flights in some of the countries where experts and materials for the project were sourced from, consequently necessitating the discontinuation of the construction works.

However, the CEO assured the minister that the bridge will be ready for operations by June, next year, four months before the official completion date, because the remaining work is not as challenging as the completed one, and should the suspension of flights in foreign countries be lifted soon.

An overview of the eventual Selander Bridge

The new bridge is funded jointly by the government of South Korea at 82.9% of the entire cost, and the government of the Republic of Tanzania. It connects roads linking Aga Khan Hospital and Coco beach and it measures approximately 6.23 kilometers.

With a 180-tonnage Capacity, the bridge is expected to ferry 55,000 vehicles or its whereabouts per day, and this is expected to significantly reduce congestion along the overwhelmed independence-time Selander Bridge.

The old Selander Bridge was constructed back in 1929 and named after John Einar Selander, Tanganyika’s first Director of Public Works.

Dec 2020

Proposed Construction of new Selander Bridge and Its Connecting Roads Tanzania

Consultant: Yooshin Engineering Corporation and Afrisa Consulting Ltd

Contractor: GS Engineering and Construction Corporation


March 2021

US $104.5m Tanzanite Bridge project in Tanzania 71.3% complete

The US $104.5m Tanzanite Bridge project in Tanzania is currently 71.3% complete. According to the Chief Executive Officer of the Tanzania Roads Agency (TANROADS), Patrick Mfugale, the project is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

“Construction of all 254 foundation pillars has been completed in tandem with the construction of platforms to facilitate the construction of a permanent bridge foundation,” the CEO told members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Infrastructure during a visit to the construction site.

Chairman of the committee Seleman Kakoso, commended the Ministry of Works and Tanroads for successfully implementing the project, saying they were more than happy to be told that a local contractor was supervising the work.

“We are pleased with the progress of this project as well as the capacity building program for local contractors so that when this construction is completed they will have the skills to implement the construction of other bridges,” said Kakoso who is also Mpanda Rural MP in Katavi region.

Also Read: AfDB purchases temporary bridges in Mozambique to replace infrastructure destroyed in cyclones

Tanzanite Bridge project

The 1.03km long bridge with 20.5 meters width is being constructed across the Indian Ocean. Construction of the modern bridge aims at easing traffic jams on Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, which accommodates many vehicles that flow to and from the city center. Late last year, the TANROADS Project Director, Eng Christianus Ako said the 2017 statistics showed that 42,000 vehicles were using Ali Hassan Mwinyi road per day.

The project is being implemented by the Southern Korean GS Engineering Corporation. It has employed 590 people, with 92% of them being Tanzanians. According to the project Director, only 8% of the experts are from abroad, the rest of the workers are Tanzanians. He further added that 24 engineers from the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication are getting training under the project.

Reported On Feb 10, 2022

The New Tanzanite Bridge now opened

Msimbazi delta has a new look with the new Tanzanite Bridge Project crossing over it, being completed and now in use. The whole road project covers a length of 6.2 kilometers. Construction began in 2018 and cost Sh256 billion. South Korean and Tanzanian governments partnered in funding it.

The bridge covers 1.03 kilometers over the delta. It now serves as a connection link for Aga Khan hospital with the avenues of Obama, Kenyatta, and Torre. In addition, accessibility between Dar es Salaam City center and the Southern Oyster bay area has improved.

Its state-of-the-art design combines the characteristics of a girder bridge with a cable style. Therefore, that helps in lowering the Tanzanite Bridge’s weight. With a tonnage capacity of 180, approximately 55,000 vehicles will use the bridge daily. As a result, traffic congestion along the old Selander Bridge will go down by 38%.

Moreover, its width of 20.5 meters, with four lanes, creates enough space for vehicles and pedestrians. Later on, the old Selander bridge is expected to be retired soon.

Read also Ojota-Opebi Link Bridge and Access Roads Construction in Lagos, Flagged Off

Socio-economic impact

Road users on the Tanzanite Bridge are experiencing great changes. For example, the distance between Masaki and the city center has gone down by almost 50%. Several people from far away places like Kigamboni showed up on February 1, the launch date. South Korea’s GS Engineering and Construction Corp built the bridge.

Designated pedestrian routes are in place. Consequently, the Tanzanite Bridge Project is friendly to all users. There are no toll fees. Professor Makame Mbarawa issued that statement. The bridge will be open for 24 hours. Most importantly, many Boda Boda drivers have increased earnings. Certainly because of more trips along the bridge due to the shortened time between places.

The New Selander Bridge is its other name. In conclusion, the Economic Development Cooperation Fund is increasing its partnership with African countries through projects like The Tanzanite Bridge.

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