5 Common Water Heater Installation Problems and How to Avoid Them

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Installing a new water heater is an extremely straightforward process that can be completed in a few hours by an experienced plumber or handyman with no issues whatsoever.

However, there are quite a few things that can go wrong during the installation process if you aren’t familiar with what you’re doing, so it helps to be aware of the most common issues before they happen.

This is why it is recommended to get the job done by an expert who understands everything about the water heater installation in Denver.

In this article, we’ll discuss the five biggest water heater installation problems and how to avoid them!

Problem 1: Oozing Pipe Joints

A dripping or oozing pipe joint is one of the most common issues with a water heater installation. It usually results in discolored water and a leak. However, it’s not hard to fix. It just takes some time.

Pipe joints are typically covered by an adhesive that can be scraped away with a putty knife. Once this is done, use PVC primer and cement to reseal the connection. Tighten the bolts once you have finished as well.

Problem 2: Insufficient Ventilation

There must always be enough ventilation for gas appliances such as your water heater because they vent carbon monoxide, which is a deadly gas.

If there isn’t enough ventilation for these gases to escape safely from your home, then there will be a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, leading to death from suffocation.

The best way to avoid this problem is to install vents on both sides of the unit that allow gases inside and out while ensuring they don’t mix so carbon dioxide doesn’t accumulate inside your home or apartment.

Problem 3: An Air Gap Venting Improperly

Installers also need to know that air gap venting is one of the most common problems in water heater installation.

The air gap is designed to keep cold air from traveling down into the hot water and thereby prevent accidents such as scalding.

To do this, the installer needs to run the tubing for the exhaust vent out of the tank at a 45-degree angle and away from any combustible materials so that if there were a leak or spillage, it wouldn’t cause damage or injury.

Problem 4: Wrong Model Type Installed

One of the most common water heater installation problems is improper sizing. This can result in a range of issues, from overheating and brownouts to malfunctioning power grids and higher monthly utility bills.

Choosing the wrong type of water heater can lead to high repair costs and inconvenience if you need a replacement.

It’s crucial that you measure your space carefully before starting a project so you can buy the right size for your home. If in doubt, consult a plumber with experience in water heater installation in Denver.

Problem 5: A Faulty Thermostat Wiring Job

This happens when the installer has failed to connect or run wiring from the thermostat’s terminals and then powered up the heater.

Fortunately, this is an easy mistake for you to avoid. The first thing you should do is inspect your thermostat wiring work as soon as your heater installation is complete.

Even if it feels like all of your wires are connected properly, a visual inspection will ensure that no connections have come loose over time.

If you spot any problem, simply use wire cutters to disconnect the wires from where they meet and reconnect them correctly.


It’s important to remember these five common water heater installation problems before you schedule any work for your water heater.

Contact an expert in water heater installation in Denver who can help you with these problems since they have the expertise to fix the issue properly.


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